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如何从flutter dart中firebasestorage中该文件的链接获取文件名

[英]How to get name of a file from the link of that file in firebasestorage in flutter dart

I am using firebase storage to store files in my flutter app i can get the download link of that file from the firebase storage ,but i want the name of that file after uploaded.what is the way to get it.我正在使用 firebase 存储在我的 flutter 应用程序中存储文件,我可以从 firebase 存储中获取该文件的下载链接,但我想要上传后该文件的名称。获取它的方法是什么。 it is an sample link of an .mp3 file generated by firebase storage.它是由 firebase 存储生成的 .mp3 文件的示例链接。


and the file name is song name,album name,artist name by testing0@gmail.com so how to generate the filename from the given firebase storage link.并且文件名是song name,album name,artist name by testing0@gmail.com所以如何从给定的firebase存储链接生成文件名。

Try this :尝试这个 :

String  link = "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/musicapp-002.appspot.com/o/song%20name%2Calbum%20name%2Cartist%20name%20by%20testing0%40gmail.com.mp3?alt=media&token=213b776c-5563-468a-9724-0f53d75aff90";

link =  link.split("/")[7];
link = link.replaceAll("%20"," ");
link = link.replaceAll("%2C", ",");
link = link.substring(0, link.indexOf('.mp3'));
link = link.replaceAll("%40", "@");

Output :输出 :

song name,album name,artist name by testing0%40gmail.com

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