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How to get name of a file from the link of that file in firebasestorage in flutter dart

I am using firebase storage to store files in my flutter app i can get the download link of that file from the firebase storage ,but i want the name of that file after uploaded.what is the way to get it. it is an sample link of an .mp3 file generated by firebase storage.


and the file name is song name,album name,artist name by testing0@gmail.com so how to generate the filename from the given firebase storage link.

Try this :

String  link = "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/musicapp-002.appspot.com/o/song%20name%2Calbum%20name%2Cartist%20name%20by%20testing0%40gmail.com.mp3?alt=media&token=213b776c-5563-468a-9724-0f53d75aff90";

link =  link.split("/")[7];
link = link.replaceAll("%20"," ");
link = link.replaceAll("%2C", ",");
link = link.substring(0, link.indexOf('.mp3'));
link = link.replaceAll("%40", "@");

Output :

song name,album name,artist name by testing0%40gmail.com

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