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如何从 dart/flutter 中的列表中获取价值?

[英]how to get value from list in dart/flutter?

I'm trying to get some currency data from a foreign exchange API.我正在尝试从外汇 API 获取一些货币数据。 After getting data from the website, I'm having a problem in extracting the desired value of currency pair from the list which I'm receiving after the HTTP request as data.从网站获取数据后,我在从 HTTP 请求后作为数据接收的列表中提取货币对的所需值时遇到问题。 Here's what I am doing:这是我在做什么:

Future<void> getInfo() async {
try {
  print((url));  //url = EUR/USD, this value is comeing from a dropdown
  URL =
  Response response =
      await http.get(Uri.encodeFull(URL),
          headers: {"Accept": "application/json"});

  data = jsonDecode(response.body);

  List info = data['response'];
  double price = ......; // I don't know what to write here I have tried everything.

here I want to get the value of the price from the list "info" but idont know what to write in 'double price'在这里,我想从列表“信息”中获取价格的价值,但不知道在“双倍价格”中写什么

} catch (e) {
  print('error is : $e');

this is the result on consol这是 consol 的结果

I/flutter ( 4286): EUR/USD
I/flutter ( 4286): https://fcsapi.com/api-v2/forex/latest? 

I/flutter ( 4286): {status: true, code: 200, msg: Successfully,
                   response: [{
                               id: 1,
                               price: 1.1788, 
                               change: +0.0072,
                               chg_per: +0.61%, 
                               last_changed: 2020-10-05 14:47:57, 
                               symbol: EUR/USD}], 
                               info: {server_time: 2020-10-05 14:49:12 UTC,
                               credit_count: 1, _t: 2020-10-05 14:49:12 UTC}}
        // this is printing due to print (data); statemet

 I/flutter ( 4286): [{
                       id: 1, 
                       price: 1.1788, // i want to print this value
                       change: +0.0072, 
                       chg_per: +0.61%, 
                       last_changed: 2020-10-05 14:47:57, 
                       symbol: EUR/USD}]

       // this is printing due to print (info); statemet, which is printing the responce of json

what i want :我想要的是 :

i want to print the value of price in console after printing the responce eg我想在打印响应后在控制台中打印价格的值,例如

     I/flutter ( 4286): 1.1788


double price = info[0]['price']

since the response is a list / array, you can use index to get items from the list.由于响应是列表/数组,您可以使用索引从列表中获取项目。

var item = info[0]; // get first item from the list.
double price = item["price"];

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