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如何解决 Holtwinters 预测 model 和 R 中的错误?

[英]How to resolve error in Holtwinters forecast model with R?

I have simple monthly dataset and simply trying this code:我有简单的每月数据集,只需尝试以下代码:

`df2.holtwinters <- subset(df, account_id==loopitem) 
  x.holtwinters <- ts(df2.holtwinters$amount_usd, start = c(2015,1), end = c(2019,5), frequency = 12)
  arima1.holtwinters <- HoltWinters(x.holtwinters)
  forecast1.holtwinters <- predict(arima1.holtwinters, n.ahead=1*1)

The dataset look like this:数据集如下所示:

`      id     <date>         <dbl>
1     123  2015-01-01       -390
2     123  2015-02-01        944
3     999  2015-01-01        672

It is giving following erros:它给出以下错误:

`In HoltWinters(x.holtwinters) :
  optimization difficulties: ERROR: ABNORMAL_TERMINATION_IN_LNSRCH

Since I cannot see which data you are using, it is not easy to say what went wrong, but here is an example code which might be helpful.由于我看不到您使用的是哪些数据,因此很难说出哪里出了问题,但这里有一个可能有用的示例代码。 Let's get retail data from Rob Hyndman's website让我们从 Rob Hyndman 的网站获取零售数据


retail <- read.csv("https://robjhyndman.com/data/ausretail.csv",header=FALSE)

remove date column and create a mts classed data删除日期列并创建 mts 分类数据

retail <- stats::ts(retail[,-1], start = c(1982,4), frequency = 12)

plot the first time series (first column) plot 第一个时间序列(第一列)


fit Holt Winters to first time series in the data将 Holt Winters 拟合到数据中的第一个时间序列

fit <- HoltWinters(retail[,1])

use predict function to get forecast as you did使用 predict function 像您一样获得预测

fc <- predict(fit, n.ahead = 12)


Or you can use forecast function to get a forecast output which is nice.或者您可以使用预测 function 来获得预测 output,这很好。

fc <- forecast(fit, n.ahead = 12)


using AirPassengers data if for some reasons you could not get retail data如果由于某些原因您无法获得零售数据,则使用 AirPassengers 数据

fit <- HoltWinters(AirPassengers)

fc <- predict(fit, n.ahead = 12)


or you can use forecast function to get a forecast output或者您可以使用预测 function 来获得预测 output

fc <- forecast(fit, n.ahead = 12)


forecasting loop for many time series许多时间序列的预测循环

nts <- ncol(retail) # number of time series

h = 12 # forecast horizon

fc <- matrix(nrow = h, ncol = nts)

for (i in 1:nts) {

  fc[,i] <- forecast(HoltWinters(retail[,i]), h = h)$mean # it will return point forecast

colnames(fc) <- colnames(retail)


I would recommend to take look into fable package.我建议看看fable package。

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