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[英]Using the only the preprocessor for string concatenation?

Is it possible to concatenate quoted string literals outside of the language (C++, in this case)?是否可以连接语言之外的带引号的字符串文字(在本例中为 C++)?

That is, can I define MY_MACRO(a,b,c) and use it thus:也就是说,我可以定义MY_MACRO(a,b,c)并使用它:

MY_MACRO("one", "two", "three")

and have it expand to: "onetwothree" ?并将其扩展为: "onetwothree"

The use case is to apply an attribute and its message to, say, a function signature, like so:用例是将属性及其消息应用于函数签名,如下所示:

MY_ATTRIBUTE_MACRO("this", "is", "the reason") int foo() { return 99; }

and it would result in:这将导致:

[[nodiscard("thisisthe reason")]] int foo() { return 99; }

The language already does string concatenation!该语言已经进行了字符串连接!


"hi" "James"

becomes just one string literal.变成只是一个字符串文字。

That means you do not need any preprocessor tricks for this at all.这意味着您根本不需要任何预处理器技巧。

You need only employ this in the output of your macro:您只需要在宏的输出中使用它:

#define MY_ATTRIBUTE_MACRO(x,y,z) [[nodiscard(x y z)]]

Now this:现在这个:

MY_ATTRIBUTE_MACRO("this", "is", "the reason") int foo() { return 99; }

is this:这是:

[[nodiscard("this" "is" "the reason")]] int foo() { return 99; }

which is actually already what you wanted, because of the implicit string concatenation (which happens after macro expansion):这实际上已经是您想要的,因为隐式字符串连接(发生宏扩展之后):

[[nodiscard("thisisthe reason")]] int foo() { return 99; }

Translation phase 4 :翻译阶段4

[lex.phases]/4: Preprocessing directives are executed, macro invocations are expanded , and _Pragma unary operator expressions are executed. [lex.phases]/4:执行预处理指令,扩展宏调用,并执行_Pragma 一元运算符表达式。 If a character sequence that matches the syntax of a universal-character-name is produced by token concatenation, the behavior is undefined.如果与通用字符名称的语法匹配的字符序列是通过标记串联生成的,则行为未定义。 A #include preprocessing directive causes the named header or source file to be processed from phase 1 through phase 4, recursively. #include预处理指令使指定的头文件或源文件从阶段 1 到阶段 4 以递归方式进行处理。 All preprocessing directives are then deleted.然后删除所有预处理指令。

Translation phase 6 :翻译阶段6

[lex.phases]/6: Adjacent string literal tokens are concatenated. [lex.phases]/6:相邻的字符串文字标记。

I'm not sure what you mean by "outside the language" but, in C++, any string literals separated just by whitespace are implicitly concatenated into one.我不确定您所说的“语言之外”是什么意思,但是在 C++ 中,任何由空格分隔的字符串文字都会隐式连接为一个。 Thus, your MY_MACRO definition is actually very simple:因此,您的MY_MACRO定义实际上非常简单:

#include <iostream>

#define MY_MACRO(a, b, c) a b c

int main()
    std::cout << MY_MACRO("one", "two", "three") << std::endl;
    return 0;

The output from this short program is what you asked for: onetwothree .这个简短程序的输出是您所要求的: onetwothree

Note: As a matter of curiosity/interest, it is normally recommended to enclose macro arguments in parentheses, in the definition part, so as to avoid unwanted side effects of the evaluation.注意:出于好奇/兴趣,通常建议将宏参数括在括号中,在定义部分,以避免评估的不必要的副作用。 However, in this case, using such parentheses won't work, and breaks the implicit concatenation:但是,在这种情况下,使用这样的括号将不起作用,并且会破坏隐式连接:

#define MY_MACRO(a, b, c) (a) (b) (c) // Broken!

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