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广播 4D numpy 数组

[英]Broadcasting 4D numpy array

I am facing an issue with broadcasting the processed 4D NumPy array into a 4D array.我面临将处理后的 4D NumPy 数组广播到 4D 数组的问题。 I have compared the dimensions to check something wrong with the dimensions.我比较了尺寸以检查尺寸是否有问题。 I am not understanding what's wrong.我不明白出了什么问题。

train_path = files
train_file_names = os.listdir(train_path)
train_file_names.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.partition('.')[0]))
seg_num = 60
seg_len = 2
sample_num = len(df)
data = np.zeros((seg_num*100, 496, 64, 1))
label = np.zeros((seg_num * sample_num,))

for i, file_name in enumerate(train_file_names):
        sr, sound_file = wavfile.read(train_path + file_name)
        # print(train_path+file_name)
        length = sr * seg_len           # 5s segment
        range_high = len(sound_file) - length
        print(range_high, length)
        random_start = np.random.randint(range_high, size=seg_num)
        print("i", i)
        for j in range(seg_num):
            cur_wav = sound_file[random_start[j]:random_start[j] + length]
            cur_wav = cur_wav / 32768.0
            cur_spectro = preprocess_sound(cur_wav, sr)
            cur_spectro = np.copy(np.expand_dims(cur_spectro, 3))
            print("data", data.shape)
            print(data[i * seg_num + j, :, :, :].shape)
            data[i * seg_num + j, :, :, :] = cur_spectro
            label[i * seg_num + j] = df['class'][i]


88200 88200
i 0
cur_spectro (0, 496, 64, 1)
data (6000, 496, 64, 1)
(496, 64, 1)
<ipython-input-226-30eefc542ce4> in loading_data(files, df)
      29                 print("data", data.shape)
      30                 print(data[i * seg_num + j, :, :, :].shape)
 ---> 31                 data[i * seg_num + j, :, :, :] = cur_spectro
      32                 label[i * seg_num + j] = df['class'][i]
      33 ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (0,496,64,1) into shape (496,64,1)

One of your printouts is cur_spectro (0, 496, 64, 1) .您的打印输出之一是cur_spectro (0, 496, 64, 1)

See What does a numpy shape starting with zero mean It contains a description how to understand the case when one of array dimensions is zero .请参阅以零开头的 numpy 形状是什么意思它包含如何理解数组维度之一为零的情况的描述。 It means actually that the array in question is empty .这实际上意味着有问题的数组是空的

So it looks like you attempted to copy an empty array into a non-empty array.所以看起来你试图将一个空数组复制到一个非空数组中。 As in this situation these arrays can not be aligned (broadcast), the exception is raised.由于在这种情况下这些数组无法对齐(广播),因此会引发异常。

Just as you can read in one of comments, analyze why preprocess_sound function returns as empty array.正如您可以在其中一条评论中阅读一样,分析为什么preprocess_sound函数返回为空数组。

Maybe you should add to your code a check whether the first dimension of cur_spectro has size zero and in such case you should either skip the offending instruction or copy to the target array some "surrogate" content.也许您应该在代码中添加一个检查cur_spectro的第一个维度的大小是否为零的检查,在这种情况下,您应该跳过有问题的指令或将一些“代理”内容复制到目标数组。

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