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如何将 R 中的两个图联合起来形成一个多层网络?

[英]How to unite two graphs in R to form a multilayer network?

Could you please help me?请你帮助我好吗?

I work with ecological interactions, and some of them are modeled as multilayer networks (multiplex, to be precise).我研究生态相互作用,其中一些被建模为多层网络(准确地说是多重网络)。

The best way to input this kind of data into R's package igraph is by using edge and node lists.将这种数据输入到 R 的igraph包中的最佳方法是使用边和节点列表。 Unfortunately, my collaborators never have their data organized like that, but rather as incidence matrices (bipartite networks).不幸的是,我的合作者从来没有像这样组织他们的数据,而是将他们的数据组织成关联矩阵(二部网络)。

I always ask them to at least have those matrices organized precisely with the same dimensions and the same order of row and column labels, so they can be easily combined.我总是要求他们至少用相同的维度和相同的行列标签顺序精确组织这些矩阵,以便它们可以轻松组合。

Having those matrices at hand, I then run a long code based on the following steps:手头有这些矩阵,然后我根据以下步骤运行一个长代码:

  1. Read two or more incidence matrices into R;将两个或多个关联矩阵读入 R;

  2. Extract their edge and vertex lists;提取它们的边和顶点列表;

  3. Add information on edge type to each edge list;将边类型信息添加到每个边列表中;

  4. Add information on vertex class to each vertex list;将顶点类信息添加到每个顶点列表中;

  5. Merge those edge lists and vertex lists separately;分别合并那些边列表和顶点列表;

  6. Read those merged lists into igraph to create a multilayer graph.将这些合并的列表读入 igraph 以创建多层图。

I'm looking for a simpler solution.我正在寻找一个更简单的解决方案。 I've tried using the function union , but it merges the graphs and their edges without keeping information on edge types.我试过使用函数union ,但它合并了图形和它们的边,而没有保留边类型的信息。 See what happens in this example with random matrices:看看这个例子中的随机矩阵会发生什么:

number <- seq(1:10)

row <- "row"
rowlabels <- paste(row, number, sep = "")
column <- "col"
columnlabels <- paste(column, number, sep = "")

matrix1 <- matrix(data = rbinom(100,size=1,prob=0.5), nrow = 10, ncol = 10,
                  dimnames = list(rowlabels, columnlabels))
matrix2 <- matrix(data = rbinom(100,size=1,prob=0.5), nrow = 10, ncol = 10,
                  dimnames = list(rowlabels, columnlabels))
graph1 <- graph_from_incidence_matrix(matrix1, directed = F)
graph2 <- graph_from_incidence_matrix(matrix2, directed = F)
E(graph1)$type = "layer1"
E(graph2)$type = "layer2"
graph_multi <- union(graph1, graph2)

Is there an easier way to combine two or more incidence matrices to make a multilayer graph in igraph ?有没有更简单的方法来组合两个或多个关联矩阵以在igraph 中制作多层图?

Thank you very much!非常感谢!

I would convert the data to data frames, combine to a single edgelist and make the graph in the final step.我会将数据转换为数据框,合并为单个边列表并在最后一步制作图形。 Something like the following:类似于以下内容:

number <- seq(1:10)
row <- "row"
rowlabels <- paste(row, number, sep = "")
column <- "col"
columnlabels <- paste(column, number, sep = "")
matrix1 <- matrix(data = rbinom(100,size=1,prob=0.5), nrow = 10, ncol = 10,
                  dimnames = list(rowlabels, columnlabels))
matrix2 <- matrix(data = rbinom(100,size=1,prob=0.5), nrow = 10, ncol = 10,
                  dimnames = list(rowlabels, columnlabels))

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Attaching package: 'igraph'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     as_data_frame, groups, union
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     decompose, spectrum
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#>     union

edb <- bind_rows(
  .id = "layer"
) %>%
  filter(Freq != 0) %>%
    from = Var1,
    to = Var2,

# from, to, layer
#>   from   to layer
#> 1 row1 col1     1
#> 2 row3 col1     1
#> 3 row6 col1     1
#> 4 row7 col1     1
#> 5 row1 col2     1
#> 6 row6 col2     1

multig <- graph_from_data_frame(edb, directed=FALSE)
#> IGRAPH c377bd8 UN-- 20 110 -- 
#> + attr: name (v/c), layer (e/c)
#> + edges from c377bd8 (vertex names):
#>  [1] row1 --col1 row3 --col1 row6 --col1 row7 --col1 row1 --col2 row6 --col2
#>  [7] row8 --col2 row1 --col3 row2 --col3 row5 --col3 row8 --col3 row9 --col3
#> [13] row10--col3 row3 --col4 row4 --col4 row5 --col4 row8 --col4 row9 --col4
#> [19] row10--col4 row2 --col5 row4 --col5 row5 --col5 row6 --col5 row8 --col5
#> [25] row9 --col5 row10--col5 row4 --col6 row6 --col6 row8 --col6 row1 --col7
#> [31] row2 --col7 row4 --col7 row5 --col7 row8 --col7 row9 --col7 row10--col7
#> [37] row1 --col8 row3 --col8 row4 --col8 row6 --col8 row7 --col8 row9 --col8
#> [43] row10--col8 row1 --col9 row2 --col9 row4 --col9 row6 --col9 row7 --col9
#> + ... omitted several edges

#>  1  2 
#> 55 55

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