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KAFKA SSL 使用 pem 密钥和客户端证书连接

[英]KAFKA SSL connectivity using pem key and client certificate

I am able to connect to kafka and read data from CLI (bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh) using below ssl details in client.properties我能够使用 client.properties 中的以下 ssl 详细信息连接到 kafka 并从 CLI (bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh) 读取数据

Command: bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server 'server details'  --topic topic_name --consumer.config client.properties --group group-id

But I am unable to connect from python or spark using the same data但我无法使用相同的数据从 python 或 spark 连接

consumer = KafkaConsumer(topic,bootstrap_servers=bootstrap_server,security_protocol='SSL',sasl_mechanism='PLAIN',ssl_certfile='certificate.pem',ssl_keyfile='pk.key')

I tried changing multiple options in the above code, like adding check_host_name etc, but no luck.我尝试更改上面代码中的多个选项,例如添加 check_host_name 等,但没有成功。 The kafka is not owned by our teams, it a different team who manages it and when we request access we get a private key and certificate along with CA bundle and ARN name. kafka 不属于我们的团队,它是由另一个团队管理的,当我们请求访问时,我们会获得私钥和证书以及 CA 包和 ARN 名称。

From Spark(Python), I tried below code从 Spark(Python),我尝试了下面的代码

sdf1 = spark.readStream.format("kafka")
       .option("subscribe", topic_name)
       .option("startingOffsets", "latest")
       .option("kafka.ssl.keystore.password", '****')

I am getting error like "org.apache.kafka.common.errors.GroupAuthorizationException: Not authorized to access group: spark-kafka-source-xxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx"我收到类似“org.apache.kafka.common.errors.GroupAuthorizationException:未授权访问组:spark-kafka-source-xxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx”的错误

The above error would be related to spark generating unique group id everytime it is accesseing.上述错误与每次访问时生成唯一组 ID 的火花有关。 Usage of group-id in spark dataframe is allowed only in spark 3.0 and above.仅在 spark 3.0 及更高版本中才允许在 spark dataframe 中使用 group-id。 I need option to fix this in spark 2.4.4.我需要在 spark 2.4.4 中修复此问题的选项。

Any suggestions would be appreciated.任何建议,将不胜感激。

You just need to give the principal you are using to authenticate access to the topic regardless of the consumer group.您只需要提供您正在使用的委托人来验证对主题的访问权限,而不考虑消费者组。 It would look like this:它看起来像这样:

kafka-acls --authorizer-properties zookeeper.connect=zk_ip_or_fqdn:2181  --add  --allow-principal User:"userName" --operation All --topic yourTopicName --group=*

userName (principal name) in your case will be the subject name of your SSL certificate, in the form of "CN=toto,OU=titi,...".您的用户名(主体名称)将是您的 SSL 证书的主题名称,格式为“CN=toto,OU=titi,...”。

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