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numpy.ufunc 操作等效

[英]numpy.ufunc operation equivalent

I have 4D numpy array a and 3D array b .我有 4D numpy数组a和 3D 数组b Also I have 2D arrays of indices i0 , j0 , k0 .我还有索引i0j0k0二维数组。 Suppose I want to use the following construction:假设我想使用以下结构:

np.add.at(a, (slice(None), k0, i0, j0), b)

As fas as I understood, a[slice(None), k0, i0, j0] += b is not equivalent to this np.add.at .据我np.add.ata[slice(None), k0, i0, j0] += b不等同于这个np.add.at The question is how can this np.add.at line can be replaced with a simple numpy adding a[...] += b[...] properly?问题是如何用简单的numpy添加a[...] += b[...]来替换这个np.add.at行?

You wrote that i0 , j0 and k0 are 2-D arrays.您写道i0j0k0二维数组。

This is why I assumed that each row in these arrays defines a 3-D slice in b array (each array in the respective dimension).这就是为什么我假设这些数组中的每一行都在b数组中定义了一个 3-D 切片(每个数组在各自的维度中)。

For the test I defined these arrays as:对于测试,我将这些数组定义为:

k0 = np.array([[0,1],[1,2]])
i0 = np.array([[1,3],[2,4]])
j0 = np.array([[0,2],[2,4]])

so that the first 3-D slice from b is: b[0:1, 1:3, 0:2] .所以b的第一个 3-D 切片是: b[0:1, 1:3, 0:2]

Because k0 , i0 and j0 (taken "by row") define consecutive slices, you can not join them in a single instruction.因为k0i0j0 (“按行”)定义了连续的切片,所以不能在一条指令中加入它们。 My proposition is to perform your addition in the following loop:我的提议是在以下循环中执行您的加法:

for sl in np.dstack([k0, i0, j0]):
    idx = tuple(np.insert(np.r_[np.apply_along_axis(
        lambda row: slice(*row), 0, sl)], 0, slice(None)))
    a[tuple(idx)] += b[tuple(idx[1:])]

idx is a 4-tuple to index array " a ". idx是一个 4 元组,用于索引数组“ a ”。 The first element is slice(None) - operate on all elements in the first dimension.第一个元素是slice(None) - 对第一维中的所有元素进行操作。 Following elements are slices for following dimensions.以下元素是以下维度的切片。

To index b array the same idx is used, but without the first element.要索引b数组,使用相同的idx ,但没有第一个元素。

To test the above code, I defined both arrays as:为了测试上面的代码,我将两个数组定义为:

aDim = (2, 2, 4, 4)
bDim = aDim[1:]
a = np.arange(1, np.array(aDim).prod() + 1).reshape(aDim)
b = np.arange(501, np.array(bDim).prod() + 501).reshape(bDim)

(print them to see the initial content). (打印它们以查看初始内容)。

After my code was executed, a contains:执行我的代码后, a包含:

array([[[[  1,   2,   3,   4],
         [510, 512,   7,   8],
         [518, 520,  11,  12],
         [ 13,  14,  15,  16]],

        [[ 17,  18,  19,  20],
         [ 21,  22,  23,  24],
         [ 25,  26, 554, 556],
         [ 29,  30, 562, 564]]],

       [[[ 33,  34,  35,  36],
         [542, 544,  39,  40],
         [550, 552,  43,  44],
         [ 45,  46,  47,  48]],

        [[ 49,  50,  51,  52],
         [ 53,  54,  55,  56],
         [ 57,  58, 586, 588],
         [ 61,  62, 594, 596]]]])

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