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[英]How to define fast forward button in pygame using python?

I had made a music player where I want to make fastforward button (if the fastforward button click then the current playing song will increase by 10seconds) but I can't define it properly.我制作了一个音乐播放器,我想在其中制作fastforward按钮(如果点击fastforward按钮,则当前播放的歌曲将增加 10 秒),但我无法正确定义它。 I also try set_pos() method of pygame but it is not working for my script.我也尝试了 pygame 的set_pos()方法,但它不适用于我的脚本。

Please help me to solve this problem请帮我解决这个问题

Here is my code:这是我的代码:

fast_forward_icon= tk.PhotoImage(file=__file__+ '/../images/JPEG, PNG/icons/fast_forward.png')
def fast_forward(event=None):
   def func():
      global progressbar_music
      current_song_Length = mixer.music.get_pos()//1000
      # mixer.music.pause()
      f= current_song_Length+10
      # mixer.music.progressbar_music(seconds=current_song_Length+10)

fastForwardBtn = Button(root, bg='#310A3D', image=fast_forward_icon, command=fast_forward)
fastForwardBtn.place(x=600, y=500, relwidth=.04, relheight=.08)

set_pos() also give me errors like set_pos()也会给我这样的错误

Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\soham\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\tkinter_init_.py", 
line 1702, in call return self.func(*args) File "C:\Users\soham\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\tkinter_init_.py", 
line 746, in callit func(*args) File "e:/python projects/MUSIC PLAYER/music_player.py", 
line 346, in func mixer.music.set_pos(f) pygame.error: 
set_pos unsupported for this codec

I solved your task.我解决了你的任务。

Main problem was not due to MP3 codec problem, but because your music should be loaded/played/paused in order for set_pos() to work, ie you need next extra lines before doing fast forward:主要问题不是由于 MP3 编解码器问题,而是因为您的音乐应该加载/播放/暂停以便set_pos()工作,即在快进之前您需要下一行额外的行:


Only then you can use fast forward and it works!只有这样你才能使用快进,它的工作原理!

Also you need to do mixer.music.unpause() later in order to start music playing from your fast-forwarded position (set by set_pos() ).您还需要稍后执行mixer.music.unpause()以便从您的快进位置(由set_pos()设置set_pos()开始播放音乐。 Also fast forwarding may also work without pause() / unpause() , just music should be playing, so play() should be called if it is not playing now.此外,快进也可以在没有pause() / unpause() ,只是应该播放音乐,所以如果现在没有播放,应该调用play()

Full working code below, it has some other modifications in order to make example fully runnable, but remaining modifications are not necessary to solve your task.下面是完整的工作代码,为了使示例完全可运行,它有一些其他修改,但其余的修改不是解决您的任务所必需的。 One of main modification is that I implemented function get_url_file(...) that I used to load MP3/PNG resources so that example is fully self-contained an runnable without extra files, because StackOverflow doesn't allow attaching file, hence I load them from remote HTTP storage.主要修改之一是我实现了用于加载 MP3/PNG 资源的函数get_url_file(...) ,因此该示例完全独立,无需额外文件即可运行,因为 StackOverflow 不允许附加文件,因此我加载它们来自远程 HTTP 存储。 Use just file path like path/to/test.mp3 in places where I used get_url_file(...) .在我使用get_url_file(...)地方只使用像path/to/test.mp3这样的文件路径。

Also before running next code install python pip modules one time by python -m pip install --upgrade pgzero pygame<2.0 requests .同样在运行下一个代码之前,通过python -m pip install --upgrade pgzero pygame<2.0 requests一次安装 python pip 模块。

# Needs: python -m pip install --upgrade pgzero pygame<2.0 requests
import tkinter as tk, datetime, pgzrun
from pygame import mixer

root = tk.Tk()

def fast_forward(event = None):
    def func():
        global progressbar_music
        current_song_Length = mixer.music.get_pos() // 1000
        # mixer.music.pause()
        f = current_song_Length + 10
        print('{}'.format(str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = f))))
        #progressbar_music['value'] = f
        # mixer.music.progressbar_music(seconds=current_song_Length+10)
        #progressbar_music_starttime.configure(text = '{}'.format(str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = f))))
        #progressbar_music.after(2, func)

def get_url_file(url, *, fsuf = '', as_ = 'bytes', b64 = False, state = {}):
    import requests, io, atexit, base64, tempfile, shutil, secrets, os
    res = requests.get(url)
    data = res.content
    if b64:
        data = base64.b64decode(data)
    if as_ == 'bytes':
        return data
    elif as_ == 'file':
        return io.BytesIO(data)
    elif as_ == 'path':
        if 'td' not in state:
            state['td'] = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
            state['etd'] = state['td'].__enter__()
            state['std'] = str(state['etd'])
            def cleanup():
                state['td'].__exit__(None, None, None)
                if os.path.exists(state['std']):
        path = state['std'] + '/' + secrets.token_hex(8).upper() + fsuf
        with open(path, 'wb') as f:
        return path
        assert False, as_

mixer.music.load(get_url_file('https://pastebin.com/raw/8LAeZc1X', as_ = 'file', b64 = True))
fast_forward_icon = tk.PhotoImage(file = get_url_file('https://i.stack.imgur.com/b2wdR.png', as_ = 'path'))

fastForwardBtn = tk.Button(root, bg = '#310A3D', image = fast_forward_icon, command = fast_forward)
fastForwardBtn.place(x = 10, y = 10, relwidth = .7, relheight = .7)


Prints to console:打印到控制台:

pygame 1.9.6
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