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[英]Python getting image folder lat and lon to df

I tried to build a code in python to go over all photos in folder and get the exif info (only the date and the GPS info are relevant) .我试图在 python 中构建一个代码来查看文件夹中的所有照片并获取 exif 信息(只有日期和 GPS 信息相关)。 I found a code online but it gives me an error.我在网上找到了一个代码,但它给了我一个错误。 code :代码 :

def find_images(image_dir, extensions=None):
    default_extensions = ('jpg', 'jpeg')
    if extensions is None:
        extensions = default_extensions
    elif isinstance(extensions, str):
        extensions = (extensions,)
    for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(image_dir):
        for filename in filenames:
#             print(filename, filename.split('.', 1))
            if filename.split('.', 1)[-1].lower() in extensions:
                yield os.path.join(root, filename)
def process_exif_data(image):
    decoded_exif = {}
    with Image.open(image) as image_file:
        exif_data = image_file._getexif()
        if exif_data is None:
            return None
        for tag, value in exif_data.items():
            decoded = TAGS.get(tag, tag)
            if decoded == "GPSInfo":
                decoded_exif[decoded] = value

    # This could be done with a dict comprehension and a ternary expression too
    return decoded_exif

def decode_gps_data(info):
    gps_tags = {GPSTAGS.get(k, k): v for k, v in value.items}

    lat, long = get_coordinates(gps_tags)
    gps_tags['lat'] = lat
    gps_tags['lon'] = lon

    return gps_tags

def get_coordinates(gps_tags):
    coords = {'Latitude': 'N', 'Longitude': 'E'}
    for coord, nominal_ref in coords.items():
        c = gps_tags.get("GPS%s" % coord, None)
        c_ref = gps_tags.get("GPS%sRef" % coord, None)

        if c and c_ref:
            yield _convert_to_degrees(c, c_ref, nominal_ref)
            yield None
def _convert_to_degrees(value, ref, nominal_ref=None):
    if nominal_ref is None:
        nominal_ref = ('N', 'E',)
    elif isinstance(nom, str):
        nominal_ref = (nominal_ref, )
    ref = 1 if ref in nominal_ref else -1
    return ref * sum(float(v[0]) / float(v[1]) / 60 ** i for i, v in enumerate(value))
def extract_important_data(image_data, important_datalabels=('lat', 'lon', 'DateTimeOriginal')):
    if image_data is None:
        return None
    return {key: image_data.get(key, None) for key in important_datalabels}
def extract_info(images, important_datalabels=('lat', 'lon', 'DateTimeOriginal')):
    for image_path in images:
        exif_data = process_exif_data(image_path)
        important_data = extract_important_data(exif_data)
        if important_data:
            yield image_path, important_data
def get_photos_info(image_dir, filename=None, important_datalabels=('lat', 'lon', 'DateTimeOriginal')):
    if image_dir is None:

    images = find_images(image_dir)
    info = extract_info(imgs, important_datalabels=important_datalabels)
    result_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = important_datalabels)
    for image_path, item in info:
        result_df.loc[image_path] = item
    if 'DateTimeOriginal' in important_datalabels:
        date_format = '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S'
        result_df['DateTimeOriginal'] = pd.to_datetime(result_df['DateTimeOriginal'], format=date_format)

    if filename:

    return result_df

empty_df = pd.DataFrame
empty_df = get_photos_info(r"C:\Users\dor h\OneDrive\Desktop\study\Final project")

error :错误 :

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-32-0aaf3d855413> in <module>
    124 empty_df = pd.DataFrame
--> 125 empty_df = get_photos_info(r"C:\Users\dor h\OneDrive\Desktop\study\Final project")
    126 # print(empty_df)

<ipython-input-32-0aaf3d855413> in get_photos_info(image_dir, filename, important_datalabels)
    111     info = extract_info(imgs, important_datalabels=important_datalabels)
    112     result_df = pd.DataFrame(columns = important_datalabels)
--> 113     for image_path, item in info:
    114         result_df.loc[image_path] = item
    115     if 'DateTimeOriginal' in important_datalabels:

<ipython-input-32-0aaf3d855413> in extract_info(images, important_datalabels)
     99     for image_path in images:
    100         print(image_path)
--> 101         exif_data = process_exif_data(image_path)
    102         important_data = extract_important_data(exif_data)
    103         if important_data:

<ipython-input-32-0aaf3d855413> in process_exif_data(image)
     48 def process_exif_data(image):
     49     decoded_exif = {}
---> 50     with Image.open(image) as image_file:
     51         exif_data = image_file._getexif()
     52         if exif_data is None:

D:\paython\lib\site-packages\PIL\Image.py in open(fp, mode)
   2816         exclusive_fp = True
-> 2818     prefix = fp.read(16)
   2820     preinit()

AttributeError: 'JpegImageFile' object has no attribute 'read'

I read somewhere that the problem is I'm trying to open an already open jpg file but I don't see where I'm doing so also I don't know how to solve that.我在某处读到问题是我正在尝试打开一个已经打开的 jpg 文件,但我看不到我在做什么,也不知道如何解决。

tnx in advance提前 tnx

It appears that in the line info = extract_info(imgs, important_datalabels=important_datalabels) , imgs is a typo, and should instead be images .看来,在info = extract_info(imgs, important_datalabels=important_datalabels)imgs是一个错字,而应该是images

Why this gives you the specific error mode you are seeing depends on what imgs is.为什么这会为您提供您看到的特定错误模式取决于imgs是什么。 The variable imgs must be defined somewhere in your notebook, otherwise your code would raise a NameError.变量imgs必须在您的笔记本中的某处定义,否则您的代码将引发 NameError。 imgs is probably a list or iterator containing some kind of object that Image.open() doesn't expect; imgs可能是一个列表或迭代器,其中包含Image.open()不期望的某种对象; this would cause it to fail when it tries to use the object's read method.这将导致它在尝试使用对象的read方法时失败。

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