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[英]How to improve and fix simple python scoring algorithm

I'm trying to get my scoring function to determine using the filled columns what the null value on the last column would be.我试图让我的评分函数使用填充的列来确定最后一列的空值是什么。 This algorithm is based on a MySQL one shown below.该算法基于如下所示的 MySQL 算法。 I'm running into alot of syntax errors in relation to the text variables, as well as it seems very streched and not condensed.我遇到了很多与文本变量相关的语法错误,而且它似乎非常紧张而不是浓缩。

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

d = {'BP systolic': [139, 125, 117], 
     'BP diastolic': [83, 76, 87], 
     'Gender': ['Male', 'Female', 'Female'], 
     '1st degree relative with diabetes': ['Yes', 'Yes', 'No'],
     'Physically active': ['Yes', 'Yes', 'No'],
     'Age, years': [34, 48, 57],
     'history of hypertension': ['Yes', 'No', 'Yes'],
     'BMI, kg/m²': [40, 25, 17],
     'American Diabetes Association (ADA) Risk Calculator': [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)    
points = []
for i in range(0, len(df['BP systolic'])):
    p = 0
    r1 = df['BP systolic'][i]
    r2 = df['BP diastolic'][i]
    r3 = df['Gender'][i]
    r4 = df['1st degree relative with diabetes'][i]
    r5 = df['Physically active'][i]
    r6 = df['Age, years'][i]
    r7 = df['history of hypertension'][i]
    r8 = df['BMI, kg/m²'][i]

    if r1 > 140:
        p += 1
        points.append([r1, p])
        p += 0
        points.append([r1, p])
    if r2 > 90:
        p += 1
        points.append([r2, p])
        p += 0
        points.append([r2, p])
    if r3 = 'Male':
        p += 1
        points.append([r3, p])
        p += 0
        points.append([r3, p])
    if r4 = 'Yes':
        p += 1
        points.append([r4, p])
        p += 0
        points.append([r4, p])
    if r5 = 'No':
        p += 1
        points.append([r5, p])
        p += 0
        points.append([r5, p])
    if r6 < 40:
        p += 0
        points.append([r6, p])
    elif r6 > 40 < 50:
        p += 1
        points.append([r6, p])
    elif r6 > 50 < 60:
        p += 2
        points.append([r6, p])
        p += 3
        points.append([r6, p])
    if r7 = 'Yes':
        p += 1
        points.append([r7, p])
        p += 0
        points.append([r7, p])
    if r8 < 25:
        p += 0
        points.append([r8, p])
    elif r8 > 25 < 30:
        p += 1
        points.append([r8, p])
    elif r8 > 30 < 40:
        p += 2
        points.append([r8, p])
        p += 3
        points.append([r8, p])
pd.options.display.max_columns = None
pd.options.display.max_rows = None
CREATE TABLE `trial1`.`trial1` ( `Name` TEXT NULL , `Age, years` INT NULL , `Gender` TEXT NULL , `1st degree relative with diabetes` TEXT NULL , `history of hypertension` TEXT NULL , `BP systolic` INT NULL , `BP diastolic` INT NULL , `Physically active` TEXT NULL , `BMI, kg/m²` INT NULL , `American Diabetes Association (ADA) Risk Calculator` FLOAT NULL ) ENGINE = InnoDB;

INSERT INTO `trial1` (`Name`, `Age, years`, `Gender`, `1st degree relative with diabetes`, `history of hypertension`, `BP systolic`, `BP diastolic`, `Physically active`, `BMI, kg/m²`, `American Diabetes Association (ADA) Risk Calculator`) VALUES ('Person A', '34', 'Male', 'Yes', 'Yes', '139', '83', 'Yes', '40', NULL);
INSERT INTO `trial1` (`Name`, `Age, years`, `Gender`, `1st degree relative with diabetes`, `history of hypertension`, `BP systolic`, `BP diastolic`, `Physically active`, `BMI, kg/m²`, `American Diabetes Association (ADA) Risk Calculator`) VALUES ('Person B', '48', 'Female', 'Yes', 'No', '125', '76', 'Yes', '25', NULL);
INSERT INTO `trial1` (`Name`, `Age, years`, `Gender`, `1st degree relative with diabetes`, `history of hypertension`, `BP systolic`, `BP diastolic`, `Physically active`, `BMI, kg/m²`, `American Diabetes Association (ADA) Risk Calculator`) VALUES ('Person C', '57', 'Female', 'No', 'Yes', '117', '87', 'No', '17', NULL);
update trial1
set `American Diabetes Association (ADA) Risk Calculator` = ( 
  (`BP systolic` >= 140) + (`BP diastolic` >= 90) +
  (`Gender` = 'Male') +
  (`1st degree relative with diabetes` = 'Yes') +
  (`history of hypertension` = 'Yes') +
  (`Physically active` = 'No') +
    when `Age, years` < 40 then 0 
    when `Age, years` BETWEEN 40 AND 49 then 1 
    when `Age, years` BETWEEN 50 AND 59 then 2
    when `Age, years` >= 60 then 3
  end +  
    when `BMI, kg/m²` < 25 then 0
    when `BMI, kg/m²` BETWEEN 25 AND 30 then 1 
    when `BMI, kg/m²` BETWEEN 31 AND 39 then 2 
    when `BMI, kg/m²` >= 40 then 3
) / 12 
where `American Diabetes Association (ADA) Risk Calculator` is null

You need to use 2 equal signs.您需要使用 2 个等号。 if r3 == ['Male']

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