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GLFW 将代码点转换为 glfwCharCallback 中的字符

[英]GLFW convert codepoints to characters in glfwCharCallback

I cant figure out how to parse the codepoint in a char in my glfwCharCallback:我无法弄清楚如何在我的 glfwCharCallback 中解析字符中的代码点:

std::string currentText;

void char_callback(GLFWwindow* window, unsigned int codepoint)
    // currentText += codepoint ???


glfwSetCharCallback(window, char_callback);

As a start, you can simply truncate the unsigned int to a unsigned char and appending it to your std::string :首先,您可以简单地将unsigned int截断为unsigned char并将其附加到您的std::string

currentText += (unsigned char) codepoint;

Note that this is criminally wrong for anything beyond basic ASCII.请注意,对于基本 ASCII 以外的任何内容,这都是刑事错误的。 As I remarked in the comments, you probably want to either store UTF-32 codepoints for rendering using freetype, or convert to UTF-8 for printing to console or storage.正如我在评论中所说,您可能想要存储 UTF-32 代码点以使用 freetype 进行渲染,或者转换为 UTF-8 以打印到控制台或存储。

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