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[英]PyAV: how to display multiple video streams to the screen at the same time

I'm just learning to work with video frames and new to python language.我刚刚学习使用视频帧和 python 语言的新手。 I need to display multiple video streams to the screen at the same time using PyAV.我需要使用 PyAV 同时在屏幕上显示多个视频流。

The code below works fine for one camera.下面的代码适用于一台相机。 Please help me to display multiple cameras on the screen.请帮我在屏幕上显示多个摄像头。 What should I add or fix in this code?我应该在这段代码中添加或修复什么?

video = av.open("rtsp://viewer:vieweradmin@", 'r',format=None,options=dicOption, metadata_errors='nostrict')
    for packet in video.demux():
        for frame in packet.decode():
            if packet.stream.type == 'video':
            img = frame.to_ndarray(format='bgr24')
            cv2.imshow("Video", img)
       if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Playing multiple streams with PyAV is possible but not trivial.使用 PyAV 播放多个流是可能的,但并非易事。 The main challenge is decoding multiple streams simultaneously, which in a single-threaded program can take longer than the frame rate of the videos would require.主要挑战是同时解码多个流,这在单线程程序中可能需要比视频帧速率所需的更长的时间。 Unfortunately threads won't be of help here (Python allows only one thread to be active at any given time), so the solution is to build a multi-process architecture.不幸的是线程在这里没有帮助(Python 允许在任何给定时间只有一个线程处于活动状态),因此解决方案是构建一个多进程架构。

I created the code below for a side project , it implements a simple multi-stream video player using PyAV and OpenCV.我为一个辅助项目创建了下面的代码,它使用 PyAV 和 OpenCV 实现了一个简单的多流视频播放器。 It creates a separate background process to decode each stream, using queues to send the frames to the main process.它创建一个单独的后台进程来解码每个 stream,使用队列将帧发送到主进程。 Because the queues have limited size, there is no risk of decoders outpacing the main process — if a frame is not retrieved by the time the next one is ready, its process will block until the main process catches up.因为队列的大小有限,所以不存在解码器超过主进程的风险——如果在下一个帧准备好时没有检索到帧,它的进程将阻塞,直到主进程赶上。

All streams are assumed to run at the same frame rate.假定所有流都以相同的帧速率运行。

import av
import cv2
import numpy as np

import logging
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from math import ceil
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
from time import time

def parseArguments():
    r'''Parse command-line arguments.
    parser = ArgumentParser(description='Video player that can reproduce multiple files simultaneoulsy')
    parser.add_argument('paths', nargs='+', help='Paths to the video files to be played')
    parser.add_argument('--resolution', type=int, nargs=2, default=[1920, 1080], help='Resolution of the combined video')
    parser.add_argument('--fps', type=int, default=15, help='Frame rate used when playing video contents')

    return parser.parse_args()

def decode(path, width, height, queue):
    r'''Decode a video and return its frames through a process queue.

        Frames are resized to `(width, height)` before returning.
    container = av.open(path)
    for frame in container.decode(video=0):
        # TODO: Keep image ratio when resizing.
        image = frame.to_rgb(width=width, height=height).to_ndarray()


class GridViewer(object):
    r'''Interface for displaung video frames in a grid pattern.
    def __init__(self, args):
        r'''Create a new grid viewer.
        size = float(len(args.paths))
        self.cols = ceil(size ** 0.5)
        self.rows = ceil(size / self.cols)

        (width, height) = args.resolution
        self.shape = (height, width, 3)

        self.cell_width = width // self.cols
        self.cell_height = height // self.rows

        cv2.namedWindow('Video', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL | cv2.WINDOW_KEEPRATIO | cv2.WINDOW_GUI_EXPANDED)
        cv2.resizeWindow('Video', width, height)

    def update(self, queues):
        r'''Query the frame queues and update the viewer.

            Return whether all decoders are still active.
        grid = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        for (k, queue) in enumerate(queues):
            image = queue.get()
            if image is None:
                return False

            (i, j) = (k // self.cols, k % self.cols)
            (m, n) = image.shape[:2]

            a = i * self.cell_height
            b = a + m

            c = j * self.cell_width
            d = c + n

            grid[a:b, c:d] = image

        grid = cv2.cvtColor(grid, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
        cv2.imshow('Video', grid)

        return True

def play(args):
    r'''Play multiple video files in a grid interface.
    grid = GridViewer(args)

    queues = []
    processes = []
    for path in args.paths:
        processes.append(Process(target=decode, args=(path, grid.cell_width, grid.cell_height, queues[-1]), daemon=True))

    period = 1.0 / args.fps
    t_start = time()
    t_frame = 0

    while grid.update(queues):
        # Spin-lock the thread as necessary to maintain the frame rate.
        while t_frame > time() - t_start:

        t_frame += period

    # Terminate any lingering processes, just in case.
    for process in processes:

def main():


if __name__ == '__main__':

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