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如何生成随机值,然后使用 pop 方法将其删除?

[英]How can I generate a random value and then use the pop method to remove it?

I am trying to take a random name from a list and then once it has been printed, I want to remove it from that list so that it isn't used ever again.我正在尝试从列表中获取一个随机名称,然后一旦打印出来,我想将其从该列表中删除,以便不再使用它。 I want to use the pop method but I'm not sure how to take a random name from the list since the pop method (to my knowledge) only accepts integers.我想使用 pop 方法,但我不确定如何从列表中获取随机名称,因为 pop 方法(据我所知)只接受整数。

Here is my code:这是我的代码:

Boy = ['David','John','Paul','Mark','James','Andrew','Scott','Steven','Robert','Stephen','William','Craig','Michael'

Girl = ['Emma','Ava','Sophia','Isabella','Charlotte','Amelia','Mia','Harper','Evelyn','Abigail','Emily','Ella',

def boyname():
    result = Boy.pop(insert code for random name here)

boynames = boyname()


name = Boy.pop(random.randint(0, len(Boy)-1))

But: you should not do that , especially from within a function, as it affects the caller's list (or in your case, the global variable containing the list).但是:您不应该这样做,尤其是在 function 中,因为它会影响调用者的列表(或者在您的情况下,会影响包含列表的全局变量)。

Consider instead the ability to take a random subset (without side effects):相反,考虑采用随机子集的能力(没有副作用):

sample = random.sample(Boy, k)

For example, you can go through a random ordering of your list (ie sample without replacement), ensuring you will "print" each value just once:例如,您可以 go 通过列表的随机排序(即无需替换的示例),确保您将“打印”每个值一次:

for name in random.sample(Boy, len(Boy)):

You can even turn this into a generator, for infinite fun:你甚至可以把它变成一个生成器,以获得无限乐趣:

from itertools import count

def pick(a, n_loops=None):
    """if n_loops is None: cycle endlessly"""
    counter = count()
    while n_loops is None or next(counter) < n_loops:
        yield from random.sample(a, len(a))


name_gen = pick(Boy)  # infinite generator: loops around shuffles;
                      # no repeat during a single loop
list(islice(name_gen, 5))

# or

names = pick(Boy, 1)  # one random shuffle of Boy

Another fun example:另一个有趣的例子:

for b, g in islice(zip(pick(Boy), pick(Girl)), 4):
    print(f'{b} and {g}')
# out:
Carter and Molly
Malcolm and Lydia
Sebastian and Ruby
Charles and Aliyah

Try this code试试这个代码

from random import choice

def boyname():
    global Boy
    result = choice(Boys)


Something like this would work:像这样的东西会起作用:

import numpy as np

def boyname():
    Returns a random `boy` from `Boy` (list) while removing from list
    idx = np.random.randint(0,len(Boy)-1)
    res = Boy.pop(idx)
    return res

my_boy = boyname()

Can use this可以用这个

import random
def boyname():
    result = Boy.pop(Boy.index(random.choice(Boy)))
    return 'End of Program'

boynames = boyname()

In my opinion, you can try to get the index of a name by random function, and you can define the function like this:在我看来,您可以尝试通过random function 来获取名称的索引,您可以像这样定义 function:

import random
def boyname():
    boy_name_list_length = len(Boy)
    index_of_name = int(random.random() * boy_name_list_length)
    result = Boy.pop(index_of_name)

And call the function like this:并像这样调用 function:


Remember just run the Boy and Girl list initialization once!记住只运行一次BoyGirl列表初始化!

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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