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如何预测和拟合多个时间序列的最优 model?

[英]How to forecast and fit the optimal model for multiple time series?

I want to do batch forecasting among multiple series, for example, if I want to forecast time series with IDs that end with 1(1,11,21,31...), how can I do that?我想在多个序列之间进行批量预测,例如,如果我想预测 ID 以 1(1,11,21,31...) 结尾的时间序列,我该怎么做?

Since you did not provide detailed information, I was not sure which forecasting method you want to use hence I give here an example of a univariate time series model:由于您没有提供详细信息,因此我不确定您要使用哪种预测方法,因此我在这里给出了一个单变量时间序列 model 的示例:

Load required packages:加载所需的包:


We use example data from Rob Hyndman:我们使用来自 Rob Hyndman 的示例数据:

dta <- read.csv("https://robjhyndman.com/data/ausretail.csv")

Now change the column names:现在更改列名:

colnames(dta) <- c("date", paste0("tsname_", seq_len(ncol(dta[,-1]))))

Select timeseries which end with 1:以 1 结尾的 Select 时间序列:

dta_ends_with1 <- dplyr::select(dta, dplyr::ends_with("1"))

Create a ts object:创建一个ts object:

dta_ends_with1 <- ts(dta_ends_with1, start = c(1982,5), frequency = 12)

Specify how many steps ahead you want to forecast, here I set it to 6 steps ahead,指定要预测提前多少步,这里我设置为提前6步,

h <- 6

Now we prepare a matrix to save the forecast:现在我们准备一个矩阵来保存预测:

fc <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(dta_ends_with1), nrow = h)

Forecasting loop.预测循环。

for (i in seq_len(ncol(dta_ends_with1))) {
fc[,i]  <- forecast::forecast(forecast::auto.arima(dta_ends_with1[,i]), 
                              h = h)$mean

Set the column names:设置列名:

colnames(fc) <- colnames(dta_ends_with1)


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