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3D 散点图 Plot 带 Plotly 带 ZE1E1D3D40573127E36EE0480CAFZ18 行

[英]3D Scatter Plot with Plotly in R without lines

I've been struggling with this for a while.我已经为此苦苦挣扎了一段时间。 I know I can turn off most hover functionality by including hoverinfo = 'none', but I still see the lines that connect to the 3 axes when plotting a 3D Scatter Plot.我知道我可以通过包含 hoverinfo = 'none' 来关闭大多数 hover 功能,但是在绘制 3D 散点图 Z36BE98B843E778A6E7350354B697 时,我仍然看到连接到 3 个轴的线。 Is there a way to turn off that functionality?有没有办法关闭该功能? I included a picture that hopefully makes clear what lines I'm trying to get rid off.我附上了一张图片,希望能清楚地说明我想要摆脱哪些线条。


Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

This was solved by including showspikes = FALSE in the layout.通过在布局中包含 showspikes = FALSE 解决了这个问题。 I should read documentation more carefully.我应该更仔细地阅读文档。 I am an idiot!我是一个白痴!

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