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将 collections 的 map 扩展为一维 map 新“无法推断功能接口类型”

[英]Expanding a map of collections to a one dimensional map new “Cannot infer functional interface type”

I have some values in a map that I would like to transform to a simpler map where the key would be 'A' -> 1, 'E'-> 1,...'Z'-> 10 .我在 map 中有一些值,我想将其转换为更简单的 map ,其中键为'A' -> 1, 'E'-> 1,...'Z'-> 10 Keep getting "Cannot infer functional interface type".不断收到“无法推断功能接口类型”。

private Map<List<Character>, Integer> scoresMap
        = Map.of(
        List.of('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'L', 'N', 'R', 'S', 'T'), 1,
        List.of('D', 'G'), 2,
        List.of('B', 'C', 'M', 'P'), 3,
        List.of('F', 'H', 'V', 'W', 'Y'), 4,
        List.of('K'), 5,
        List.of('J', 'X'), 8,
        List.of('Q', 'Z'), 10

I tried a functional approach:我尝试了一种功能方法:

private Stream<Map.Entry<Character, Integer>> expandMap(Map.Entry<List<Character>, Integer> kv){
    return kv.getKey()
                    (Stream<Map.Entry<Character, Integer>> acc, char el) ->
                            Stream.concat(acc, Stream.of(Map.entry(el, kv.getValue()))),
                    (Stream<Map.Entry<Character, Integer>> acc, Stream<Map.Entry<Character, Integer>> el) -> Stream.concat(acc, el)


And tried forEach:并尝试了forEach:

private Map<Character, Integer> scores(){
    Map<Character, Integer> scores = Map.of();
        (Map.Entry<List<Character>, Integer> kv) -> 
                    (char k) ->
                            scores.put(k, kv.getValue());
    return scores;

} }

I think this is not to do with ambiguous types as I tried using little helpers instead of Lambdas.我认为这与模棱两可的类型无关,因为我尝试使用小助手而不是 Lambdas。

You can make use of flatMap :您可以使用flatMap

Map<Character, Integer> simpleMap = scoresMap.entrySet()
            .flatMap(entry -> {
                Integer value = entry.getValue();
                return entry.getKey().stream().map(ch -> Map.entry(ch, value));
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));

You can use Map.forEach() directly and you don't have to bother with types, Java can figure it by itself.您可以直接使用 Map.forEach() 并且您不必为类型而烦恼,Java 可以自己计算。

private Map<Character, Integer> scores(){

    Map<Character, Integer> scores = new HashMap<>();

    scoresMap.forEach((key, value) -> 
            key.forEach((k) ->
                scores.put(k, value)));

    return scores;

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