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无法推断Java 8的功能接口类型

[英]Cannot infer functional interface type Java 8

I have a factory(Registry DP) which initializes the class: 我有一个工厂(注册表DP)初始化类:

public class GenericFactory extends AbstractFactory {

    public GenericPostProcessorFactory() {
                defaultSupplier(() -> new Test()));
                defaultSupplier(() -> new TestWithArgs(2,4)));


interface Validation

Test implements Validation
TestWithArgs implements Validation

And in the AbstractFactory 并在AbstractFactory中

 protected Supplier<Validation> defaultSupplier(Class<? extends Validation> validationClass) {
        return () -> {
            try {
                return validationClass.newInstance();
            } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create instance of " + validationClass, e);

But I keep getting Cannot infer functional interface type Error. 但我不断得到无法推断功能接口类型错误。 What I am doing wrong here ? 我在这做错了什么?

Your defaultSupplier method has an argument type of Class . 您的defaultSupplier方法的参数类型为Class You can't pass a lambda expression where a Class is expected. 您不能传递一个lambda表达式,其中需要一个Class But you don't need that method defaultSupplier anyway. 但是你无论如何都不需要那个方法defaultSupplier

Since Test and TestWithArgs are a subtypes of Validation , the lambda expressions () -> new Test() and () -> new TestWithArgs(2,4) are already assignable to Supplier<Validation> without that method: 由于TestTestWithArgsValidation的子类型,因此lambda表达式() -> new Test()() -> new TestWithArgs(2,4)已经可以在不使用该方法的情况下分配给Supplier<Validation>

public class GenericFactory extends AbstractFactory {
    public GenericPostProcessorFactory() {
        factory.put("Test", () -> new Test());
        factory.put("TestWithArgs", () -> new TestWithArgs(2,4));

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