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如何修复“致命 Python 错误:_enter_buffered_busy:无法获取 &lt;_io.BufferedWriter name=”的锁定<stdout> '&gt; 在解释器关闭时' 错误?</stdout>

[英]How to fix a 'fatal Python error: _enter_buffered_busy: could not aquire lock for <_io.BufferedWriter name='<stdout>'> at interpreter shutdown' error?

I'm currently writing an application in python that concurrently downloads multiple files using multithreading.我目前正在 python 中编写一个应用程序,该应用程序使用多线程同时下载多个文件。 I'm not completely comfortable or knowledgeable about multithreading in Python, so I'm not sure how much or what information I should give.我对 Python 中的多线程并不完全熟悉或了解,所以我不确定我应该提供多少或什么信息。

When the downloader almost finishes downloading the file, it crashes, and I get this error message.当下载器几乎完成文件下载时,它会崩溃,并且我收到此错误消息。

fatal Python error: _enter_buffered_busy: could not aquire lock for <_io.BufferedWriter name='<stdout>'> at interpreter shutdown, possibly due to daemon threads
Python runtime state: finalizing (tstate=000001EF6024D440)

Current thread 0x00002cf8 (most recent call first):
<no Python frame>

I've tested this quite a few times and have noticed the following:我已经对此进行了多次测试,并注意到以下几点:

  • This error doesn't appear all the time.此错误并非一直出现。 Most of the time, I have no issue with the app大多数时候,我对应用程序没有任何问题
  • I have tried it and gotten errors in我已经尝试过了,但出现了错误
    • Linux Ubuntu 18.04 (Laptop) running Python3.6 Linux Ubuntu 18.04(笔记本电脑)运行 Python3.6
    • Linux Ubuntu 20.04 (Desktop) running Python3.6 Linux Ubuntu 20.04(桌面)运行Python3.6
    • Windows 10 (Desktop) Windows 10(台式)
    • Docker container running Ubuntu / python3.6-slim-buster base image Docker 容器运行 Ubuntu / python3.6-slim-buster 基础镜像

I'm sorry that I have to dump all this code on SO;很抱歉,我必须将所有这些代码都转储到 SO 上; I really have no clue what this error means and don't know where to start troubleshooting.我真的不知道这个错误是什么意思,也不知道从哪里开始排除故障。 Our repository is located here我们的存储库位于此处

Here's the code that handles the multithreading:这是处理多线程的代码:

dozent.py 打勾.py

import datetime
import json
import multiprocessing
import os
from pathlib import Path
from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread
from typing import List, Dict

    from dozent.downloader_tools import DownloaderTools
    from dozent.progress_tracker import ProgressTracker
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    from downloader_tools import DownloaderTools
    from progress_tracker import ProgressTracker

CURRENT_FILE_PATH = Path(__file__)
TWITTER_ARCHIVE_STREAM_LINKS_PATH = CURRENT_FILE_PATH.parent / 'twitter-archive-stream-links.json'

FIRST_DAY_OF_SUPPORT = datetime.date(2017, 6, 1)
LAST_DAY_OF_SUPPORT = datetime.date(2020, 6, 30)

class _DownloadWorker(Thread):  # skip_tests

    def __init__(self, queue: Queue, download_dir: Path, tracker: ProgressTracker = None):
        self.queue = queue
        self.download_dir = download_dir
        self.tracker = tracker

    def run(self):
        while True:
            # Get the work from the queue and expand the tuple
            link = self.queue.get()
                DownloaderTools.download_with_pysmartdl(link, str(self.download_dir), tracker=self.tracker)

# Skipping non-multithreading code

    def download_timeframe(self, start_date: datetime.date, end_date: datetime.date, verbose: bool = True,
                           download_dir: Path = DEFAULT_DATA_DIRECTORY):
        Download all tweet archives from self.start_date to self.end_date
        :return: None

        # Create a queue to communicate with the worker threads
        queue = Queue()
        if verbose:
            tracker = ProgressTracker()
            tracker.daemon = True
            tracker = None

        os.makedirs(download_dir, exist_ok=True)

        for x in range(multiprocessing.cpu_count()):
            worker = _DownloadWorker(queue, download_dir, tracker=tracker)
            # worker.set_verbosity(verbose=verbosity)
            # Setting daemon to True will let the main thread exit even though the workers are blocking
            worker.daemon = True

        for sample_date in self.get_links_for_days(start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date):
            print(f"Queueing tweets download for {sample_date['month']}-{sample_date['year']}")


catch_thread_execptions.py catch_thread_executions.py

import threading
import sys
import traceback
import os
import signal

usage: install()
Once installed, all exceptions caught from within threads will cause the program to end.

def sendKillSignal(etype, value, tb):
    lines = traceback.format_exception(etype, value, tb)
    for line in lines:
        print(line, flush=True)

    os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM)

original_init = threading.Thread.__init__

def patched_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
    original_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
    original_run = self.run

    def patched_run(*args, **kw):
            original_run(*args, **kw)
        except Exception:
    self.run = patched_run

def install():
    sys.excepthook = sendKillSignal
    threading.Thread.__init__ = patched_init

progress_tracker.py 进度跟踪器.py

import sys
import os

import numpy as np
import threading
import shutil
import queue

from typing import Dict, Callable, Tuple
from collections import namedtuple

Task = namedtuple('Task', 'id progress_callback progress prefix suffix line_length')

class ProgressTracker(threading.Thread):
    """It is assumed that no other printing to stdout will occur while running this ProgressTracker thread.

    def __init__(self):

        self.tasks: Dict[int, Task] = {}
        self.message_queue = queue.Queue()
        self.sum_progress = 0
        self.next_task = 0

        self.terminal_size = None

        resized = self.refresh_terminal_size()
        assert(resized)  # This won't work if we couldn't read the terminal size

        self.lock = threading.Lock()
        self.tasks_pending = False
        self.running = True

    def refresh_terminal_size(self) -> bool:
        Records any change in the terminal size.
        :returns: True if a change is detected, else False

        old_size = self.terminal_size
            self.terminal_size = os.get_terminal_size()[0]
        except OSError:
            self.terminal_size = shutil.get_terminal_size()[0]

        return old_size != self.terminal_size

    def join(self):

    def stop(self):
        self.running = False

    def update(self, task_id: int):

    def register_task(self, name: str, progress_callback: Callable[[], Tuple[float, str, str]]) -> int:
        """Register a new task with the given progress callback.
        :param name: A unique name for this task.
        :param progress_callback: A function, which will report a tuple of:
                                    a progress percentage in [0,100],
                                    a string prefix to be output before the progress bar,
                                    and a string suffix to be output after the progress bar.
        :return: The ID of the registered task.

        task_id = self.next_task
        self.next_task += 1

        # Perform operation in helper function on own thread, so that this function does not block
        thread = threading.Thread(target=self._register_task_helper, args=(name, task_id, progress_callback))
        thread.daemon = True

        return task_id

    def _register_task_helper(self, name: str, task_id: int, progress_callback: Callable[[], Tuple[float, str]]):
        with self.lock:
            # Create the task, with initial progress 0
            self.tasks[task_id] = (Task(id=task_id,
            self.tasks_pending = True
            print(f"Queueing tweet download {task_id}: {name}", flush=True)

    def _delete_progress_bars(self, starting_id: int = 0):
        if self.tasks:
            sys.stdout.write('\b' * (np.sum([self.tasks[i].line_length for i in range(starting_id, len(self.tasks))])))

    def _update_task_progress(self, task_id: int, draw: bool = True):
        """Update the progress bar for the given task
        :param task_id: Identifier of the task to update.
        :param draw: Whether to draw the updated progress bar, defaults to True

        # Update the progress value
        task = self.tasks[task_id]
        assert(task.id == task_id)

        progress, prefix, suffix = task.progress_callback()
        assert(0 <= progress <= 100)

        self.sum_progress += progress - task.progress
        task = Task(id=task_id,
        self.tasks[task_id] = task

        if draw:
            # Redraw all bars if the terminal size changes
            if self.refresh_terminal_size():
                task_id = 0

            # Return to start of the progress bar for task_id

    def _draw_task_progress(self, task_id: int):
        """Updates the progress bar for task_id and after.
        Assumes the console begins at the end of any previously drawn progress bars.

        # We re-write the progress for all tasks, in order to finish at the end of all progress bars (our assumption)
        for task in [self.tasks[i] for i in range(task_id, len(self.tasks))]:
            if task.prefix is None or task.suffix is None:

            prefix = f"{task.id:3.0f}: "

            bar = ' '*len(prefix)
            bar_width = self.terminal_size - len(prefix) - 2
            assert(bar_width > 0)

            num_dashes = int(task.progress * bar_width / 100.0)
            bar += f"[{'-' * num_dashes}{' ' * (bar_width - num_dashes)}]"

            prefix += task.prefix[:int(self.terminal_size/2)]
            suffix = task.suffix[:int(self.terminal_size/3)]
            spaces = ' ' * (self.terminal_size - len(suffix) - len(prefix))

            line = f"{prefix}{spaces}{suffix}{bar}"

            assert(self.tasks[task.id] == task)
            self.tasks[task.id] = Task(id=task.id,



    def _run_task(self):
        task_id = self.message_queue.get(True)

            with self.lock:
                if self.tasks_pending:
                    self._update_task_progress(0, draw=False)
                    self.tasks_pending = False

                    self._update_task_progress(task_id, draw=True)


    def run(self):
        while self.running:


Again, I'm not an expert with multithreading in Python and am not sure where to start troubleshooting.同样,我不是 Python 中的多线程专家,我不确定从哪里开始进行故障排除。 I would greatly appreciate any hints!我将不胜感激任何提示!


The examples I provided are not reproducible我提供的示例不可重现

How to reproduce如何重现

Pull Docker image:拉取 Docker 镜像:

docker pull socialmediapublicanalysis/dozent:latest

Download all tweets for a day (May 12th, 2020):下载一天(2020 年 5 月 12 日)的所有推文:

docker run -it socialmediapublicanalysis/dozent:latest python -m dozent -s 2020-05-12 -e 2020-05-12

There is a lot going on in your code and it is definitely not a minimal, reproducible example...您的代码中发生了很多事情,它绝对不是一个最小的、可重现的例子......

That said, and as per the error message, it looks like you are using daemon threads, and those are known to cause trouble if they try to print (to stdout ) at shutdown (in summary: it is likely that you are trying to write to a no-longer existing stdout with a daemon thread).也就是说,根据错误消息,您似乎正在使用守护线程,并且如果它们在关机时尝试打印(到stdout )会导致麻烦(总而言之:您可能正在尝试编写到一个不再存在的带有守护线程的stdout )。

You should make sure you .join() all your threads (and, if they are expected to be long-running, equip them with a shutdown method that flips a flag, that in turns is checked by whatever loop you have going in them; or send a poison pill through the work queue).您应该确保.join()所有线程(并且,如果预计它们会长时间运行,请为它们配备一个翻转标志的关闭方法,然后由您进入它们的任何循环检查;或通过工作队列发送毒丸)。

A better approach for multithreading downloads would be to use ThreadPoolExecutor like in this example from the docs .多线程下载的更好方法是使用ThreadPoolExecutor ,就像文档中的这个示例一样。

If you want progress reports, you may be interested in tqdm .如果您想要进度报告,您可能对tqdm感兴趣。 In the end, your code will be much simpler and easier to maintain.最后,您的代码将更加简单且易于维护。

Here is a complete example that downloads a number (818, as of this writing) of urls from Wikipedia, using a ThreadPoolExecutor and showing progress as it goes:这是一个完整的示例,它使用 ThreadPoolExecutor 从 Wikipedia 下载一些(截至撰写本文时为 818 个)url,并显示进度:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from tqdm import tqdm

tld = 'https://en.wikipedia.org'
url = '/wiki/Index_of_computing_articles'

soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(urljoin(tld, url)).content)
urllist = [urljoin(tld, a.get('href')) for a in soup.find_all(href=True)]

def load_url(url):
    return requests.get(url).content

def load_all(urllist):
    with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
        results = list(tqdm(
            executor.map(load_url, urllist),
            total=len(urllist), unit=' pages'))
    return results

results = load_all(urllist)

While running, it shows a progress bar:运行时,它会显示一个进度条: 在此处输入图像描述


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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