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[英]how to clear unresolved import 'cv2' error?

I have installed Python 3.9 on my ubuntu 18.04 desktop, i have already installed two libraries using pip3 install 1)opencv-contrib-python 2)opencv-python我已经在我的 ubuntu 18.04 桌面上安装了 Python 3.9,我已经使用pip3 install安装了两个库 1)opencv-contrib-python 2)opencv-python

Currently i am writing a program in VSCode for which i am importing cv2目前我正在VSCode中编写一个程序,我正在为其导入 cv2

I have already default version of python 3.6.9 in my computer.我的电脑中已经有python 3.6.9的默认版本。 When i use default version as interpreter, program seems to be working fine .But if i switch the interpreter to newly installed python 3.9 , i get an error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2'当我使用默认版本作为解释器时,程序似乎工作正常。但是如果我将解释器切换到新安装的python 3.9 ,我会收到错误ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cv2'

please someone who has faced such problem and know how to resolve it help me......请遇到过此类问题并知道如何解决的人帮助我......

The reason is as you described: it is due to the use of the Python environment.原因如您所述:是由于使用了Python环境所致。

The module " cv2 " is installed in " lib\site-packages\ " in python3.6.9, but when we use "python3.9" without the module " cv2 " installed, VS Code is in "python3.9" The module could not be found in " lib\site-packages\ ".模块“ cv2 ”安装在python3.6.9的“ lib\site-packages\ ”中,但是当我们在没有安装模块“ cv2 ”的情况下使用“python3.9”时,VS Code在“python3.9”中的模块可以在“ lib\site-packages\ ”中找不到。

You could use the command " pip3 --version " to check the source of the module installation tool, the module is installed in " lib\site-packages\ " here:您可以使用命令“ pip3 --version ”来检查模块安装工具的来源,模块安装在“ lib\site-packages\ ”这里:


When using the command " pip3 show opencv-python " to check its installation location: (...\python\python38\lib\site-packages)使用命令“ pip3 show opencv-python ”检查其安装位置时:(...\python\python38\lib\site-packages)


Therefore, if you want to use the module "cv2" in "python3.9", please install it in this environment.因此,如果要在“python3.9”中使用模块“cv2”,请在此环境下安装。 In addition, it is recommended that you use a virtual environment , it will be stored in "lib\site-packages" in the folder of the project so that you could check it more intuitively.另外,建议您使用虚拟环境,它将存放在项目文件夹的“lib\site-packages”中,以便您更直观地查看。

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