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[英]Time calculations, mean , median, mode

( ( Name姓名 Gun_time Gun_time Net_time网络时间 Pace步伐
John约翰 28:48:00 28:48:00 28:47:00 28:47:00 4:38:00 4:38:00
George乔治 29:11:00 29:11:00 29:10:00 29:10:00 4:42:00 4:42:00
Mike麦克风 29:38:00 29:38:00 29:37:00 29:37:00 4:46:00 4:46:00
Sarah莎拉 29:46:00 29:46:00 29:46:00 29:46:00 4:48:00 4:48:00
Roy罗伊 30:31:00 30:31:00 30:30:00 30:30:00 4:55:00 4:55:00

Q1. Q1。 How can I add another column stating difference between Gun_time and Net_time?如何添加另一列说明 Gun_time 和 Net_time 之间的差异? Q2. Q2。 How will I calculate the mean for Gun_time and Net_time.我将如何计算 Gun_time 和 Net_time 的平均值。 Please help!请帮忙!

I have tried doing the following but it doesn't work我已尝试执行以下操作,但它不起作用

df['Difference'] = df['Gun_time'] - df['Net_time'] df['差异'] = df['Gun_time'] - df['Net_time']

for mean value I tried df['Gun_time'].mean对于平均值,我尝试了 df['Gun_time'].mean

but it doesn't work either, please help!但它也不起作用,请帮助!

Q.3 What if we have times in 28:48 (minutes and seconds) format and not 28:48:00 the function gives out a value error. Q.3 如果我们有 28:48(分钟和秒)格式的时间,而不是 28:48:00,function 会给出一个值错误。

ValueError: expected hh:mm:ss format ValueError:预期的 hh:mm:ss 格式

Convert your columns to dtype timedelta, eg like将您的列转换为 dtype timedelta,例如

for col in ("Gun_time", "Net_time", "Pace"):
    df[col] = pd.to_timedelta(df[col])

Now you can do calculations like现在您可以进行如下计算

# Timedelta('1 days 05:34:48')  


df['Difference'] = df['Gun_time'] - df['Net_time']

# 0   0 days 00:01:00
# 1   0 days 00:01:00
# 2   0 days 00:01:00
# 3   0 days 00:00:00
# 4   0 days 00:01:00
# Name: Difference, dtype: timedelta64[ns]

If you need nicer output to string, you can use如果你需要更好的 output 来串,你可以使用

def timedeltaToString(td):
    hours, remainder = divmod(td.total_seconds(), 3600)
    minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
    return f"{int(hours):02d}:{int(minutes):02d}:{int(seconds):02d}"

df['diffString'] = df['Difference'].apply(timedeltaToString)

# df['diffString']
# 0    00:01:00
# 1    00:01:00
# 2    00:01:00
# 3    00:00:00
# 4    00:01:00
#Name: diffString, dtype: object

See also Format timedelta to string .另请参阅将 timedelta 格式化为字符串

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