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通过 Dataframe 读取 XML 文件

[英]Reading XML File Through Dataframe

I have XML file like below format.我有如下格式的 XML 文件。

<nt:var id="1.3.0" type="TimeStamp"> 89:19:00.01</nt:var>
<nt:var id="1.3.1" type="OBJECT "></nt:var>
<nt:var id="1.3.9" type="STRING">AB-CD-EF</nt:var>

I built a dataframe on it using below code.我使用以下代码在其上构建了 dataframe。 Though the code is displaying 3 rows and retrieving id and type fields it'snot displaying actual value which is 89:19:00.01,, AB-CD-EF虽然代码显示 3 行并检索 id 和 type 字段,但它没有显示实际值,即 89:19:00.01、、AB-CD-EF


Could you please help me if I have to add any other options to above line to bring the values as well please.如果我必须在上面的行中添加任何其他选项以带来值,请您帮助我。

You can instead specify rowTag as nt:vars :您可以改为将rowTag指定为nt:vars

df = spark.read.format("xml").option("rowTag","nt:vars").load("file.xml")

 |-- nt:var: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |-- _VALUE: string (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- _id: string (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- _type: string (nullable = true)

|nt:var                                                                                     |
|[[ 89:19:00.01, 1.3.0, TimeStamp], [, 1.3.1, OBJECT ], [AB-CD-EF, 1.3.9, STRING]]|

And to get the values as separate rows, you can explode the array of structs:并且要将值作为单独的行获取,您可以分解结构数组:

|col                             |
|[ 89:19:00.01, 1.3.0, TimeStamp]|
|[, 1.3.1, OBJECT ]    |
|[AB-CD-EF, 1.3.9, STRING]       |

Or if you just want the values:或者,如果您只想要这些值:

|         col|
| 89:19:00.01|
|    AB-CD-EF|

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