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[英]I can't get two String values in one string using templates

I got some function:我得到了一些 function:

    private fun selectHometown() = File("data/towns.txt")

And if I try to get or print some string with the 2 values obtained from this function, the first value disappears.如果我尝试使用从此 function 获得的 2 个值获取或打印一些字符串,第一个值就会消失。 For example:例如:

println("${selectHometown() ${selectHometown() }")

Will only print one city name, while I expect two.只会打印一个城市名称,而我期望两个。 I guess the problem is related to string concatenation in Kotlin.我猜这个问题与 Kotlin 中的字符串连接有关。 Of course, I can get the desired result in a different way, but I'm wondering why this one doesn't work.当然,我可以通过不同的方式获得所需的结果,但我想知道为什么这个不起作用。

Windows way of terminating a line is to use "\r\n" so use it as delimiter: Windows 终止行的方法是使用“\r\n”,因此将其用作分隔符:

private fun selectHometown() = File("data/towns.txt")

println("${selectHometown()} ${selectHometown()}")


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