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如何检查数组中的元素是否包含列表 Python 中的任何值

[英]How to check if element in array contains any values from a list Python

I have a list of words:我有一个单词列表:

list1 = ['foo', 'baz', 'bat']

And an array of strings:和一个字符串数组:

list2 = ['foo word word word', 'word baz word word', 'word word word word', 'word word bat word']
string_arr = np.array(list2)

I want to enumerate through the array and return a boolean if the element in the array contains any of the values in the list.如果数组中的元素包含列表中的任何值,我想枚举数组并返回 boolean 。 The output to be a list of booleans: output 是一个布尔值列表:

[True, True, False, True]

Right now all I have is this code which just gives me a list of indices, which I don't want:现在我所拥有的只是这段代码,它只给了我一个我不想要的索引列表:

idx_mask = [idx for idx, element in enumerate(string_arr) if any(x in element for x in list1)]

How can I just get a list of booleans?我怎样才能得到一个布尔值列表?

print([any(x in element for x in list1) for element in list2])

To find only full word matches, you should match them to each string from list2 split by space to make a word array:要仅查找完整的单词匹配项,您应该将它们与list2中的每个字符串匹配,并按空格分隔以创建一个单词数组:

print([any(x in element.split(' ') for x in list1) for element in list2]) 


list1 = ['foo', 'baz', 'bat', 'w']
list2 = ['foo word word word', 'word baz word word', 'word word word word', 'word word bat word']

results are:结果是:
[True, True, False, True]
which is the expected result.这是预期的结果。

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