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如何使用 Spark/Scala 将这样的嵌套多行 json 文件读入数据帧

[英]How to read such a nested multiline json file into a data frame with Spark/Scala

I have the following json:我有以下 json:


That i am trying to read like this:我正在尝试这样阅读:

  .option("multiLine", true).option("mode", "PERMISSIVE")

But it is not able to show me my records properly in the data frame, how do I go around that "value" nesting to properly have my rows in the dataframe?但它无法在数据框中正确显示我的记录,我如何在 go 周围嵌套该“值”以正确地将我的行放在 dataframe 中?

Current result:当前结果: 电流输出

The result I am trying to get is:我试图得到的结果是:

    C1   |   C2
    VAL1 |   VAL2
    VAL1 |   VAL2

Looking at the schema of the Dataframe ( jsonDf ) returned by spark.read:查看 spark.read 返回的 Dataframe ( jsonDf ) 的架构:

 |-- value: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
 |    |    |-- C1: string (nullable = true)
 |    |    |-- C2: string (nullable = true)

you could use the sql function explode and then select the two elements C1 and C2 as shown below:您可以使用 sql function explode然后 select 两个元素C1C2如下所示:

  val df = jsonDf
    .withColumn("parsedJson", explode(col("value")))
    .withColumn("C1", col("parsedJson.C1"))
    .withColumn("C2", col("parsedJson.C2"))
    .select(col("C1"), col("C2"))

This leads to the required outcome:这导致了所需的结果:

|C1  |C2  |

I finally managed to find a solution to my problem using the following function:我终于设法使用以下 function 找到解决问题的方法:

  def flattenDataframe(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {

    val fields = df.schema.fields
    val fieldNames = fields.map(x => x.name)
    val length = fields.length
    for(i <- 0 to fields.length-1){
      val field = fields(i)
      val fieldtype = field.dataType
      val fieldName = field.name
      fieldtype match {
        case arrayType: ArrayType =>
          val fieldNamesExcludingArray = fieldNames.filter(_!=fieldName)
          val fieldNamesAndExplode = fieldNamesExcludingArray ++ Array(s"explode_outer($fieldName) as $fieldName")
         // val fieldNamesToSelect = (fieldNamesExcludingArray ++ Array(s"$fieldName.*"))
          val explodedDf = df.selectExpr(fieldNamesAndExplode:_*)
          return flattenDataframe(explodedDf)
        case structType: StructType =>
          val childFieldnames = structType.fieldNames.map(childname => fieldName +"."+childname)
          val newfieldNames = fieldNames.filter(_!= fieldName) ++ childFieldnames
          val renamedcols = newfieldNames.map(x => (col(x.toString()).as(x.toString().replace(".", "_"))))
         val explodedf = df.select(renamedcols:_*)
          return flattenDataframe(explodedf)
        case _ =>

Source https://medium.com/@saikrishna_55717/flattening-nested-data-json-xml-using-apache-spark-75fa4c8ea2a7来源https://medium.com/@saikrishna_55717/flattening-nested-data-json-xml-using-apache-spark-75fa4c8ea2a7

Using inline will do the job:使用inline将完成这项工作:

val df = spark.read
  .option("multiLine", true).option("mode", "PERMISSIVE")

val df2 = df.selectExpr("inline(value)")
|  C1|  C2|

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