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使用 Apache 客户端时如何记录 Jersey 客户端请求

[英]How to log Jersey client request when using Apache client

I'm using jersey apache connector so that my jersey client uses apache http client: I'm using jersey apache connector so that my jersey client uses apache http client:


I initialize the client this way:我以这种方式初始化客户端:

ClientConfig conf = new ClientConfig().connectorProvider(new ApacheConnectorProvider());
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(conf);  

Now I expect to be able to log http traffic by just adding this in my logback-test.xml:现在我希望能够通过在我的 logback-test.xml 中添加这个来记录 http 流量:

<logger name="org.apache.http.wire" level="DEBUG" />

But it's not logging anything, am I missing something?但它没有记录任何东西,我错过了什么吗?

UPDATE: Ok I may have missed that Jersey is using java.util.logging while my app is using slf4j + logback.更新:好的,我可能错过了 Jersey 正在使用 java.util.logging 而我的应用程序正在使用 slf4j + logback。 So I've added a jul-to-slf4j bridge with corresponding conf, but still no log.所以我添加了一个带有相应conf的jul-to-slf4j桥,但仍然没有日志。

Well, 9 views, Stackoverflow is not what it used to be...嗯,9 次浏览,Stackoverflow 已经不是以前的样子了……

So the answer is: the logging system at apache http client level is disabled when it's used with jersey.所以答案是:apache http 客户端级别的日志记录系统在与 jersey 一起使用时被禁用。 You can activate logs for jersey, but it's not like all others libraries, u have to explicitely register a "LoggingFeature" for it to start to log with jul, then the bridge works.您可以激活 jersey 的日志,但它与所有其他库不同,您必须明确注册一个“LoggingFeature”才能开始使用 jul 进行日志记录,然后桥接工作。

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