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如何在没有堆栈跟踪的情况下创建 Python 异常?

[英]How to create Python exception without stack trace?

I would like to create a Python exception that does not print the stack trace (for simple user errors).我想创建一个不打印堆栈跟踪的 Python 异常(用于简单的用户错误)。 I have created a function below that wraps a custom class, but I would prefer to bake it into the custom exception class directly, would that be possible somehow?我在下面创建了一个 function,它包装了一个自定义 class,但我更愿意将它直接烘焙到自定义异常 class 中,这可能吗?

class UserError(Exception):

def throw_user_error(s_msg):
    sys.tracebacklimit = 0
    raise UserError(s_msg)
    sys.tracebacklimit = 1000

To achieve that, you should create custom handler, not the exception.为此,您应该创建自定义处理程序,而不是异常。 And this handler even already exists in the standard library: For example:这个处理程序甚至已经存在于标准库中:例如:

class CustomException(Exception):

from contextlib import suppress

def main():
    with suppress(CustomException):
        # throw this error without consequences
        raise CustomException() 
        print('This won\'t be reached')   
    print('Exiting normally anyway')


Exiting normally anyway

And one more effective way to hide traceback is to replace it:隐藏回溯的一种更有效的方法是替换它:

In [30]: def fn(n=0):
    ...:     if n <= 0:
    ...:         raise Exception
    ...:     return fn(n-1)
    ...: try:
    ...:     fn(10)
    ...: except Exception as e:
    ...:     raise e.with_traceback(None)
Exception                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-30-bc3c4e86e3cc> in <module>
      7     fn(10)
      8 except Exception as e:
----> 9     raise e.with_traceback(None)


Without this line (believe me or not) if we propagate the exception further, we'll see the long-long stack of recursive calls.如果没有这条线(信不信由你),如果我们进一步传播异常,我们将看到长长的递归调用堆栈。

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