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如何计算 pandas dataframe 中空值的百分比?

[英]How can I calculate the percentage of empty values in a pandas dataframe?

I have a dataframe df , from which I know there are empty values, ie '' (blank spaces).我有一个 dataframe df ,从中我知道有空值,即 '' (空格)。 I want to calculate the percentage per column of those observations and replace them with NaN .我想计算这些观察值每列的百分比并将它们替换为NaN

To get the percentage I've tried:要获得我尝试过的百分比:

for col in df:
   empty = round((df[df[col]] == '').sum()/df.shape[0]*100, 1)

I have a similar code which calculates the zeros, which does work:我有一个类似的代码来计算零点,它确实有效:

zeros = round((df[col] == 0).sum()/df.shape[0]*100, 1)

I think you need Series.isna for test missing values (but not empty spaces):我认为您需要Series.isna来测试缺失值(但不是空格):

nans = round(df[col].isna().sum()/df.shape[0]*100, 1)

Solution should be simplify with mean :解决方案应简化为mean

nans = round(df[col].isna().mean()*100, 1)

For replace empty spaces or spaces to NaN s use:要将空格或空格替换为NaN ,请使用:

df = df.replace(r'^\s*$', np.nan, regex=True)

nans = round(df[col].isna().mean()*100, 1)

If need test all columns:如果需要测试所有列:

nans = df.isna().mean().mul(100).round()

The full answer to your problem will be:您的问题的完整答案将是:

for col in df:
    empty_avg = round(df[col].isna().mean()*100, 1) # This line is to find the average of empty values.

df = df[df != ''] # This will replace all the empty values with NaN.

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