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通过 Graph API 或任何其他方式以编程方式将自定义团队模板添加到团队管理中心

[英]Add a custom teams template to teams admin center by Graph API or any other way by programmatically

I know we can create our own or custom teams template in teams admin center.我知道我们可以在团队管理中心创建自己的或自定义的团队模板。 We can create teams based on that template by graph API by passing that created template ID.我们可以通过传递创建的模板 ID,通过图形 API 基于该模板创建团队。 But is there any way to create template and add to admin center by Graph API or any other way by programmatically.但是有什么方法可以通过 Graph API 或任何其他方式以编程方式创建模板并添加到管理中心。

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

Currently there is no graph API to create template and add to admin center.目前没有图表 API 来创建模板并添加到管理中心。

we recommend you to raise a Teams UserVoice here if this needs to be consider as a future request.如果需要将其视为未来的请求,我们建议您在此处提出 Teams UserVoice。


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