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[英]How to make type inference work for a tuple with generic (on the example of array based queue)?

Imagine I have an interface for analytics object:想象一下,我有一个分析接口 object:

type Analytics = {
    identify: () => void;
    page: (title: string) => void;
    track: (eventName: string, props: object) => void;

And I want to implement some kind of queue that will collect all actions before we will be able to execute them.我想实现某种队列,在我们能够执行它们之前收集所有动作。 The queue looks as follows:队列如下所示:

const queue = [
    ['page', 'some title'],
    ['track', 'event 1', { a: 'a' }],
    ['track', 'event 2', { b: 'b' }]

First item is always a method name ( identify , page , track ) and the rest are method arguments from Analytics type.第一项始终是方法名称( identifypagetrack ),并且 rest 是来自Analytics类型的方法 arguments 。

Interface for the queue that came into my mind:我想到的队列界面:

type QueueItem<T extends keyof Analytics> = [T, ...Parameters<Analytics[T]>]

Ok, let's try it:好的,让我们尝试一下:

const item1: QueueItem = ['track', 'some event', {}]

As a result I get a Typescript error: Generic type 'QueueItem' requires 1 type argument(s) .结果,我收到 Typescript 错误: Generic type 'QueueItem' requires 1 type argument(s)

What about explicit generic type if it can't be inferred automatically?如果不能自动推断显式泛型类型怎么办?

const item2: QueueItem<keyof Analytics> = ['track'] // 👎 no error, although "track" method expects to receive two parameters
const item3: QueueItem<keyof Analytics> = ['track2'] // 👍 error as there is no such method in Analytics

Not working as expected.没有按预期工作。 Typescript thinks that type of items is [keyof Analytics] | [keyof Analytics, string] | [keyof Analytics, string, object] Typescript 认为项目类型是[keyof Analytics] | [keyof Analytics, string] | [keyof Analytics, string, object] [keyof Analytics] | [keyof Analytics, string] | [keyof Analytics, string, object] [keyof Analytics] | [keyof Analytics, string] | [keyof Analytics, string, object] and it allows different combinations of method names ( identify , page , track ) and arguments like ['identify', 'some string', {}] . [keyof Analytics] | [keyof Analytics, string] | [keyof Analytics, string, object]并且它允许方法名称( identify , page , track )和 arguments 的不同组合,例如['identify', 'some string', {}]

But will it work with a function?但它可以与 function 一起使用吗? It will:它会:

function func<T extends keyof Analytics>(method: T, ...args: Parameters<Analytics[T]>) {}

func('track') // 👍 error, because track has 2 parameters
func('track', 'event', {}) // 👍 no error
func('identify') // 👍 no error
func('page', 'title') // 👍 no error
func('page') // 👍 error as we need to pass title

What should be changed in QueueItem type to make it work as expected (the same way as with function)?应该对QueueItem类型进行哪些更改以使其按预期工作(与函数相同)?

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Your problem is when T is a union , QueueItem<T> produces a tuple-of-unions, when what you want is a union-of-tuples.你的问题是当T是一个union时, QueueItem<T>产生一个联合元组,而你想要的是一个联合元组。 The tuple-of-unions allows mismatches between the method name and the parameter list. tuple-of-unions 允许方法名和参数列表不匹配。

In your generic function, the compiler can generally infer T to be a single key from Analytics and therefore the type Parameters<Analytics[T]> is exactly the type you expect.在您的通用 function 中,编译器通常可以将T推断为Analytics中的单个键,因此类型Parameters<Analytics[T]>正是您期望的类型。 There are situations where even that generic function will infer T to be a union, though, and then the same problem comes up:但是,在某些情况下,即使是通用的 function 也会推断T是一个联合,然后出现同样的问题:

const method = (["identify", "page", "track"] as const)[
  Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)];
// const method: "identify" | "page" | "track"
func(method); // <-- no error, but there is a 67% chance of a problem at runtime

As I said, you'd really like QueueItem to be a union of tuples;正如我所说,您真的希望QueueItem成为元组的联合; you want to consider each key K in keyof Analytics separately, calculate QueueItem<K> for that key, and then unite all the results.您想分别考虑keyof Analytics中的每个键K ,为该键计算QueueItem<K> ,然后合并所有结果。 In other words, you want to distribute QueueItem<K> across unions in K .换句话说,您想在 K 中的联合之间分配QueueItem<K> K One way to do this is with distributive conditional types :一种方法是使用分布式条件类型

type QueueItem =
    keyof Analytics extends infer K ? K extends keyof Analytics ?
    [K, ...Parameters<Analytics[K]>]
    : never : never
/* type QueueItem = ["identify"] | ["page", string] | ["track", string, object] */

Unfortunately, distributive conditional types really only distribute over "naked" type parameters, so the above plays tricks with conditional type inference to turn keyof Analytics into such a naked type parameter.不幸的是,分布式条件类型实际上只分布在“裸”类型参数上,因此上面使用条件类型推断keyof Analytics变成这样的裸类型参数。

I prefer instead to use a mapped type over each key K in keyof Analytics and then index into it with keyof Analytics to get the desired union:我更喜欢K in keyof Analytics使用映射类型,然后使用keyof Analytics对其进行索引以获得所需的联合:

type QueueItem = {
    [K in keyof Analytics]: [K, ...Parameters<Analytics[K]>]
}[keyof Analytics]
/* type QueueItem = ["identify"] | ["page", string] | ["track", string, object] */

Either way works though.无论哪种方式都有效。

You can verify that such a definition of QueueItem results in your desired behavior:您可以验证QueueItem的这种定义是否会产生您想要的行为:

const item1: QueueItem = ['track', 'some event', {}] // okay
const item2: QueueItem = ['track'] // error
const item3: QueueItem = ['track2'] // error

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