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如何在 Visual Studio package 管理器中隐藏 package

[英]How to hide a package in Visual Studio package manager

I have run out of support for the Devexpress license and now one package (DevExtreme.Aspnet.Mvc) shows in my package update in Visual Studio, everytime I do a "Manage Nuget packages for Solution...".我已经用完了对 Devexpress 许可证的支持,现在我在 Visual Studio 中的 package 更新中显示了一个 package (DevExtreme.Aspnet.Mvc) ,每次我执行“管理 ZE0A9608C9CC2A52A01 软件包236”...

Since I won't be getting any updates for this, will I be able to somehow hide this from view?由于我不会得到任何更新,我能以某种方式隐藏它吗?


From the answer , you could follow these steps:答案中,您可以按照以下步骤操作:

  1. Remove DevExtreme.Aspnet.Mvc from the package.config file从 package.config 文件中删除DevExtreme.Aspnet.Mvc
  2. Edit csproj file编辑 csproj 文件
  3. Use PackageReference to add this package into your project使用PackageReference将此 package 添加到您的项目中
    <PackageReference Include="DevExtreme.Aspnet.Mvc">

The note: this workaround just works for project instead of solution.注意:此解决方法仅适用于项目而不是解决方案。 So you need to apply it into each project.所以你需要将它应用到每个项目中。

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