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如何在 Visual Studio 中配置包管理器控制台使用的 powershell 版本?

[英]how to configure the powershell version used by the package manager console in visual studio?

I'm on Windows 11 Pro and I'm using Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 Version 17.2.5.我在 Windows 11 Pro 上,并且正在使用 Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 版本 17.2.5。 The package manager console is using Powershell version 5 and I have version 7 installed on my computer, is is possible to change the version used (for version 7) ?包管理器控制台使用的是 Powershell 版本 5,我的计算机上安装了版本 7,是否可以更改使用的版本(对于版本 7)?

Thanks by advance.提前谢谢。

I'm looking for the same thing.我正在寻找同样的东西。

There is an Options panel for the Terminal in VS2022, but I haven't been able to figure out what needs to be changed in there to support a different version of PowerShell. VS2022 中的终端有一个选项面板,但我无法弄清楚那里需要更改哪些内容以支持不同版本的 PowerShell。

As a stop-gap measure until you find the answer, there is a PowerShell Tools (trial) in the Visual Studio Marketplace (I'm not affiliated) that will add support for multiple versions of PowerShell into the Terminal Window along with other enhanced behaviors.在找到答案之前,作为权宜之计,Visual Studio Marketplace(我不附属)中有一个 PowerShell 工具(试用版),它将在终端窗口中添加对多个版本的 PowerShell 的支持以及其他增强的行为. At this point I don't know what the features difference is between the free/pro versions.在这一点上,我不知道免费/专业版之间的功能差异是什么。 Perhaps it will provide a hint for you on how to accomplish the conversion.也许它会为您提供有关如何完成转换的提示。

I'm looking forward to hearing your solution to the problem.我期待听到您对问题的解决方案。


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