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Python 数据帧:计算特定日期值的出现次数并根据条件删除

[英]Python Dataframes: Count how many of occurrences of value on specific date and delete based on condition

I am using python and pandas for my assignment.我正在使用 python 和 pandas 来完成我的任务。 my Datafrmae looks something like this:我的 Datafrmae 看起来像这样:

Date日期 Time时间 Business hours营业时间
2021/4/26 2021/4/26 0800 0800 NO
2021/4/26 2021/4/26 0900 0900 Yes是的
2021/4/26 2021/4/26 1000 1000 Yes是的

I want to figure out if the date was a holiday by counting how many yes and no there are on a specific date - if the count of yes is less then 7, then I would deem that date a Holiday and exclude it from my calculations by deleting it.我想通过计算特定日期有多少是和否来确定日期是否是假期 - 如果是的计数小于 7,那么我会认为该日期是假期并将其从我的计算中排除删除它。

I was thinking of adding a holiday column with boolean value.我正在考虑添加一个带有 boolean 值的假期列。 Been looking all over for a solution online but falling short.一直在网上寻找解决方案,但功亏一篑。 Im pretty new to Python so i apologise if i said anything stupid我对 Python 很陌生,所以如果我说了什么愚蠢的话,我深表歉意

We can use transform here with groupby:我们可以在这里使用带有 groupby 的转换:

s = df["Business hours"].eq("Yes").groupby(df["Date"]).transform("Sum")
df[s >= 7]

Try groupby filter function:尝试 groupby 过滤器 function:

def filter_rows(x):
        x['Business hours'].value_counts()['Yes'] >= 7
        return True
    except KeyError as e:
        return False
df = df.groupby('Date').filter(filter_rows)

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