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来自双端队列的扩展 class 超出了 RecursionError 最大递归深度

[英]RecursionError maximum recursion depth exceeded with an extended class from deque

I implemented an extended class as following.我实现了一个扩展的 class 如下。

from collections import deque

class IntCollection(deque):
    def is_empty(self):
        return len(self) == 0

    def append(self, x):

And then:接着:

a = IntCollection()
a.is_empty() --> True

Okay, that works.好的,这行得通。 However, when I issued the below command, the RecursionError occurred:但是,当我发出以下命令时,发生了RecursionError


RecursionError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-104-da0a5ad497c3> in <module>
----> 1 a.append(1)

<ipython-input-101-7eac8c051433> in append(self, x)
      7     def append(self, x):
----> 8         self.append(x)

... last 1 frames repeated, from the frame below ...

<ipython-input-101-7eac8c051433> in append(self, x)
      7     def append(self, x):
----> 8         self.append(x)

RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded:

I didn't get the reason why I have this error.我没有得到这个错误的原因。 Anyone can explain?谁能解释一下? I use Python 3.9.4 by the way.顺便说一句,我使用 Python 3.9.4。

You're overriding the deque's append method.您正在覆盖双端队列的append方法。 And when you call it it does nothing more than recursively call it again.当你调用它时,它只会递归地再次调用它。 Python has a maximum number of times a function can be called recursively, and after that it gives an error ( RecursionError ). Python 具有可以递归调用 function 的最大次数,然后它会给出错误( RecursionError )。 Changing the name of the method to something else will work:将方法的名称更改为其他名称将起作用:

from collections import deque

class IntCollection(deque):
    def is_empty(self):
        return len(self) == 0

    def update(self, x):  # <-- change this name
a = IntCollection()
# now this work fine

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