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如何在 libGDX 中的表格中添加图像/纹理?

[英]How do I add an image/texture to my table in libGDX?

I made a table for a simple HUD which displays health, score and the current weapon from the player.我为一个简单的 HUD 制作了一个表格,它显示了玩家的生命值、分数和当前武器。 The weapon should be displayed as an image, but my program crashes if I try to do so.武器应该显示为图像,但如果我尝试这样做,我的程序会崩溃。 It works fine if I use a number, so there is no error in my code.如果我使用数字,它工作正常,所以我的代码没有错误。

public class Hud {
    public Stage stage;
    private Viewport viewport;

    private int health;
    private int score;
    private Texture weaponImage;

    Label healthLabel;
    Label scoreLabel;
    Label weaponLabel;

    public Hud(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) {
        health = 100;
        score = 0;
        weaponImage = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("sword.png"));

        viewport = new FitViewport(MyProject.V_HEIGHT, MyProject.V_HEIGHT, new OrthographicCamera());
        stage = new Stage (viewport, spriteBatch);

        Table table = new Table();

        healthLabel = new Label(String.format("%03d", health), new Label.LabelStyle(new BitmapFont(), Color.WHITE));
        scoreLabel = new Label(String.format("%03d", score), new Label.LabelStyle(new BitmapFont(), Color.WHITE));
        //Here should be the code to display the image



Found out how to do it: Instead of a texture, I created an image.了解如何做到这一点:我创建了一个图像,而不是纹理。

weaponImg = new Image(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("sword.png")));

It worked fine when I added the following code in the HUD method:当我在 HUD 方法中添加以下代码时,它运行良好:


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