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每当我运行我的程序时,以下 python tkinter 代码中的字体大小问题不会增加

[英]problem with font size in following python tkinter code whenever i run my program font size do not increase

why font size is not increasing although i have clearly mentioned it in my following code please someone check tell me the problem.为什么字体大小没有增加,尽管我在下面的代码中清楚地提到了它,请有人检查告诉我问题所在。 whenever i my code and select on text size and click on some number like 8 0r 9 or any other number font size should also change according to number like in small number font size should be small and in big number font size should be big but font size is not changing.每当我的代码和 select 的文本大小并单击一些数字,如 8 0r 9 或任何其他数字时,字体大小也应根据数字更改,如小数字字体大小应小,大数字字体大小应大但字体大小没有变化。

from tkinter import *
import tkinter.font as font

root = Tk()


def run():
    code = editor.get('1.0',END)
############################ colour theme ######################################################3#
def dark():
    editor.config(background = "black" , foreground = "white",insertbackground = "white")
    root.config(background = "black")
def light():
    editor.config(background = "white" , foreground = "black" , insertbackground = "black" )
    root.config(background = "white")
def blue_sky():
    editor.config(background = "powder blue", foreground = "black" , insertbackground = "black" )
    root.config(background = "powder blue")
####################################### Text style ####################################################33
def terminal_family():
    editor.config(font = 'Terminal')
def modern_family():
    editor.config(font = ('Modern'))
def roman_family():
    editor.config(font = 'Roman')
def default_family():
    editor.config(font = 'Calibri')
def system_family():
    editor.config(font = 'System')
def aerial_family():
    editor.config(font = 'Aerial')
def ms_serif_family ():
    editor.config(font = 'MS_Serif')

############################ Text size #################################################################################################

def eight_size():
    editor.config(font = 8)
def nine_size():
    editor.config(font = 9)
def ten_size():
    editor.config(font = 10)
def eleven_size():
    editor.config(font = 11)
def twelve_size():
    editor.config(font = 12)
def thirteen_size():
    editor.config(font = 13)
def fourteen_size():
    editor.config(font = 14)
def fifteen_size():
    editor.config(font = 15)
def sixteen_size():
    editor.config(font = 16)
def seventeen_size():
    editor.config(font = 17)
def eighteen_size():
    editor.config(font = 18)
def nineteen_size():
    editor.config(font = 19)
def twenty_size():
    editor.config(font = 20)
def twenty_five_size():
    editor.config(font = 25)
def thirty_size():
    editor.config(font = 30)

# menu_bar = Menu(root)
####################################### Menu ############################################################
menu_bar = Menu(root)

file_bar = Menu(menu_bar,tearoff = 0)
file_bar.add_command(label = 'Open',command = run )
file_bar.add_command(label = 'Save',command = run )
file_bar.add_command(label = 'Save as',command = run )
file_bar.add_command(label = 'Exit',command = exit )
menu_bar.add_cascade(label='File',menu = file_bar)
root.config(menu = menu_bar)
run_bar = Menu(menu_bar,tearoff = 0)
run_bar.add_command(label = 'Run',command = run )
menu_bar.add_cascade(label='Run',menu = run_bar)
root.config(menu = menu_bar)
colorTheme_bar = Menu(menu_bar,tearoff = 0)
colorTheme_bar.add_command(label = 'Light Mode',command = light )
colorTheme_bar.add_command(label = 'Dark Mode',command = dark )
colorTheme_bar.add_command(label = 'Blue Sky Mode',command = blue_sky )
menu_bar.add_cascade(label='Color Theme',menu = colorTheme_bar)
root.config(menu = menu_bar)
# file_bar = Menu(menu_bar,tearoff = 0)
# file_bar.add_command(label = 'Open',command = run )
# menu_bar.add_cascade(label='File',menu = file_bar)
# root.config(menu = menu_bar)
fontStyle_bar = Menu(menu_bar,tearoff = 0)
fontStyle_bar.add_command(label = 'Default',command = default_family)
fontStyle_bar.add_command(label = 'Modern',command = modern_family )
fontStyle_bar.add_command(label = 'Roman',command = roman_family )
fontStyle_bar.add_command(label = 'Ms serif',command = ms_serif_family )
fontStyle_bar.add_command(label = 'Aerial',command = aerial_family )
fontStyle_bar.add_command(label = 'System',command = system_family )
fontStyle_bar.add_command(label = 'Terminal',command = terminal_family )
menu_bar.add_cascade(label='Text Style',menu = fontStyle_bar)
root.config(menu = menu_bar)
textSize_bar = Menu(menu_bar,tearoff = 0)
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 8,command = eight_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 9,command = nine_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 10,command = ten_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 11,command = eleven_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 12,command = twelve_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 13,command = thirteen_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 14,command = fourteen_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 15,command = fifteen_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 16,command = sixteen_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 17,command = seventeen_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 18,command = eighteen_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 19,command = nineteen_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 20,command = twenty_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 25,command = twenty_five_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 30,command = thirty_size )
menu_bar.add_cascade(label='Text Size',menu = textSize_bar)
root.config(menu = menu_bar)
editor = Text()


Your code has a fatal flaw.你的代码有一个致命的缺陷。 Each time you modify the font you give the widget an entirely new font.每次修改字体时,您都会为小部件提供全新的字体。 For example, consider these two lines:例如,考虑以下两行:

editor.config(font = 'Terminal')
editor.config(font = 13)

Each time you call one of those statements, you aren't changing just one property, you are configuring an entirely new font.每次调用这些语句中的一个时,您不仅仅是在更改一个属性,而是在配置一种全新的字体。 When you call editor.config(font=13) you're telling tkinter to create an entirely new font named "13", and it will use all of tkinter's defaults for size, family, etc.当您调用editor.config(font=13)时,您是在告诉 tkinter 创建一个名为“13”的全新字体,它将使用 tkinter 的所有默认字体大小、字体系列等。

Once you go from wanting a single font to a configurable font, creating a new font every time you want to change an attribute is the wrong solution.一旦您 go 从想要单一字体变为可配置字体,每次您想要更改属性时都创建新字体是错误的解决方案。 Instead, you should be using font objects.相反,您应该使用字体对象。

When you use a font object and you change the size of that font object, all widgets that use that font will automatically change.当您使用字体 object 并更改该字体 object 的大小时,使用该字体的所有小部件将自动更改。 This is a very powerful but highly under-utilized feature of tkinter.这是 tkinter 的一个非常强大但未被充分利用的功能。

Let's start with a tiny working program:让我们从一个小的工作程序开始:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.font import Font

root = tk.Tk()
textFont = Font(size=18)
text = tk.Text(root, font=textFont)
text.pack(fill="both", expand=True)


Notice that we created a custom font named textFont and initialized the size to be 18 points.请注意,我们创建了一个名为textFont的自定义字体,并将大小初始化为 18 磅。 We then created a text widget that uses this font.然后我们创建了一个使用这种字体的文本小部件。 We could also set any of the other parameters in a similar fashion (family, weight, slant, underline, overstrike), but I left that out for the sake of simplicity.我们还可以以类似的方式设置任何其他参数(系列、粗细、倾斜、下划线、重写),但为了简单起见,我将其省略。

We can modify the font used by the text widget by changing the textFont object. For example, here's a function that will cause the font to grow or shrink by whatever amount we want.我们可以通过更改textFont object 来修改文本小部件使用的字体。例如,这里有一个 function,它将导致字体增大或缩小我们想要的任何数量。 When called, every widget which uses the same textFont will grow or shrink.调用时,每个使用相同textFont的小部件都会增大或缩小。

def change_font_size(delta):
    current_size = textFont.cget("size")
    new_size = int(current_size) + delta

For example, to make the font two points larger you would call it like this:例如,要使字体大两点,您可以这样称呼它:


Let's add a simple "View" menu to let us grow and shrink the font:让我们添加一个简单的“查看”菜单来放大和缩小字体:

menubar = tk.Menu(root)

viewMenu = tk.Menu(menubar)
menubar.add_cascade(label="View", menu=viewMenu)
viewMenu.add_command(label="Zoom In", command=lambda: change_font_size(2))
viewMenu.add_command(label="Zoom Out", command=lambda: change_font_size(-2))

Now, whenever you select "Zoom In" or "Zoom Out", the function will be called, the font will change, and any widgets which use the font will automatically be updated.现在,无论何时您 select “放大”或“缩小”,function 都会被调用,字体会改变,任何使用该字体的小部件都会自动更新。

You can change the font family in a similar fashion.您可以用类似的方式更改字体系列。 It might look something like this:它可能看起来像这样:

def change_font_family(family):
fontFamilyMenu = tk.Menu(...)
for family in ("Terminal", "Ariel", ...):
    fontFamilyMenu.add_command(label=family, command=lambda family=family: change_font_family(family))


For information about how to modify tkinter's default font without creating a new font, see this answer to the question Modify the default font in Python Tkinter有关如何在不创建新字体的情况下修改 tkinter 的默认字体的信息,请参阅此问题的答案Modify the default font in Python Tkinter

Try something like this:尝试这样的事情:

import tkinter as tk

def change_size(new_size):
    global font_size
    font_size = new_size
    label.config(font=(font_family, font_size))

def change_font(new_font):
    global font_family
    font_family = new_font
    label.config(font=(font_family, font_size))

font_family = ""
font_size = 10

root = tk.Tk()
label = tk.Label(root, text="This is the label.", font=(font_family, font_size))

for i in range(8, 26):
    text = f"Change text's size to: {i}"
    button = tk.Button(root, text=text, command=lambda i=i: change_size(i))

font_families_available = ("Terminal", "Modern", "Roman")

for font_family_name in font_families_available:
    text = f"Change text's font to: {font_family_name}"
    command = lambda font_family_name=font_family_name: change_font(font_family_name)
    button = tk.Button(root, text=text, command=command)


It uses 2 global variables: font_family and font_size for the font and updates the font whenever any button is pressed它使用 2 个全局变量:字体的font_familyfont_size并在按下任何按钮时更新字体

why font size is not increasing although i have clearly mentioned it in my following code please someone check tell me the problem.为什么字体大小没有增加,尽管我在下面的代码中明确提到了它,请有人检查告诉我问题。 whenever i my code and select on text size and click on some number like 8 0r 9 or any other number font size should also change according to number like in small number font size should be small and in big number font size should be big but font size is not changing.每当我的代码和 select 在文本大小上并单击某些数字(例如 8 0r 9 或任何其他数字)时,字体大小也应根据数字更改,例如小号字体大小应该小,大号字体大小应该大,但字体大小没有变化。

from tkinter import *
import tkinter.font as font

root = Tk()


def run():
    code = editor.get('1.0',END)
############################ colour theme ######################################################3#
def dark():
    editor.config(background = "black" , foreground = "white",insertbackground = "white")
    root.config(background = "black")
def light():
    editor.config(background = "white" , foreground = "black" , insertbackground = "black" )
    root.config(background = "white")
def blue_sky():
    editor.config(background = "powder blue", foreground = "black" , insertbackground = "black" )
    root.config(background = "powder blue")
####################################### Text style ####################################################33
def terminal_family():
    editor.config(font = 'Terminal')
def modern_family():
    editor.config(font = ('Modern'))
def roman_family():
    editor.config(font = 'Roman')
def default_family():
    editor.config(font = 'Calibri')
def system_family():
    editor.config(font = 'System')
def aerial_family():
    editor.config(font = 'Aerial')
def ms_serif_family ():
    editor.config(font = 'MS_Serif')

############################ Text size #################################################################################################

def eight_size():
    editor.config(font = 8)
def nine_size():
    editor.config(font = 9)
def ten_size():
    editor.config(font = 10)
def eleven_size():
    editor.config(font = 11)
def twelve_size():
    editor.config(font = 12)
def thirteen_size():
    editor.config(font = 13)
def fourteen_size():
    editor.config(font = 14)
def fifteen_size():
    editor.config(font = 15)
def sixteen_size():
    editor.config(font = 16)
def seventeen_size():
    editor.config(font = 17)
def eighteen_size():
    editor.config(font = 18)
def nineteen_size():
    editor.config(font = 19)
def twenty_size():
    editor.config(font = 20)
def twenty_five_size():
    editor.config(font = 25)
def thirty_size():
    editor.config(font = 30)

# menu_bar = Menu(root)
####################################### Menu ############################################################
menu_bar = Menu(root)

file_bar = Menu(menu_bar,tearoff = 0)
file_bar.add_command(label = 'Open',command = run )
file_bar.add_command(label = 'Save',command = run )
file_bar.add_command(label = 'Save as',command = run )
file_bar.add_command(label = 'Exit',command = exit )
menu_bar.add_cascade(label='File',menu = file_bar)
root.config(menu = menu_bar)
run_bar = Menu(menu_bar,tearoff = 0)
run_bar.add_command(label = 'Run',command = run )
menu_bar.add_cascade(label='Run',menu = run_bar)
root.config(menu = menu_bar)
colorTheme_bar = Menu(menu_bar,tearoff = 0)
colorTheme_bar.add_command(label = 'Light Mode',command = light )
colorTheme_bar.add_command(label = 'Dark Mode',command = dark )
colorTheme_bar.add_command(label = 'Blue Sky Mode',command = blue_sky )
menu_bar.add_cascade(label='Color Theme',menu = colorTheme_bar)
root.config(menu = menu_bar)
# file_bar = Menu(menu_bar,tearoff = 0)
# file_bar.add_command(label = 'Open',command = run )
# menu_bar.add_cascade(label='File',menu = file_bar)
# root.config(menu = menu_bar)
fontStyle_bar = Menu(menu_bar,tearoff = 0)
fontStyle_bar.add_command(label = 'Default',command = default_family)
fontStyle_bar.add_command(label = 'Modern',command = modern_family )
fontStyle_bar.add_command(label = 'Roman',command = roman_family )
fontStyle_bar.add_command(label = 'Ms serif',command = ms_serif_family )
fontStyle_bar.add_command(label = 'Aerial',command = aerial_family )
fontStyle_bar.add_command(label = 'System',command = system_family )
fontStyle_bar.add_command(label = 'Terminal',command = terminal_family )
menu_bar.add_cascade(label='Text Style',menu = fontStyle_bar)
root.config(menu = menu_bar)
textSize_bar = Menu(menu_bar,tearoff = 0)
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 8,command = eight_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 9,command = nine_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 10,command = ten_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 11,command = eleven_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 12,command = twelve_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 13,command = thirteen_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 14,command = fourteen_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 15,command = fifteen_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 16,command = sixteen_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 17,command = seventeen_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 18,command = eighteen_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 19,command = nineteen_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 20,command = twenty_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 25,command = twenty_five_size )
textSize_bar.add_command(label = 30,command = thirty_size )
menu_bar.add_cascade(label='Text Size',menu = textSize_bar)
root.config(menu = menu_bar)
editor = Text()


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