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为什么我的 HoloLens 中的 3d Object 一直跟着我,而且不稳定?

[英]Why my 3d Object in HoloLens follow me all the time and not stable?

In my Project, using the MRTK, Vision LIB and HoloLens 2. when I transfer my project to HoloLens the problem is that for example I have a Slate(Panel) it appears but it follow my head all the time, it s not stable in one position.在我的项目中,使用 MRTK、Vision LIB 和 HoloLens 2。当我将项目转移到 HoloLens 时,问题是例如我有一个 Slate(Panel),它出现但它一直跟着我的脑袋,它不稳定一个 position。 before was everything good, I don't know what it happens or what maybe I've changed by mistake.以前一切都很好,我不知道会发生什么,或者我可能错误地改变了什么。 These are my Settings: enter image description here这些是我的设置:在此处输入图像描述

enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

I am using unity 2019.4.3f1 Vision lib 2.0.2 MRTK 2.5.0我正在使用统一 2019.4.3f1 Vision lib 2.0.2 MRTK 2.5.0

I hope if someone can help me, Thank you:)我希望有人可以帮助我,谢谢:)

The script FollowMeToggle is used for exactly that.脚本FollowMeToggle正是用于此目的。 Remove the component and try again.移除组件并重试。

If that does not fix it, check the position of your GameObject in the hirarchy.如果这不能解决问题,请检查层次结构中 GameObject 的 position。 If your slate is positioned under the MainCamera, then such a behaviour would be expected.如果您的 slate 位于 MainCamera 下方,那么会出现这种行为。 If that is the case, place your GameObject directly under the Scene.如果是这种情况,请将您的游戏对象直接放在场景下。

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