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算法回文 C#

[英]Algorithm Palindrome C#

Can anyone please help, what am I missing on my code?任何人都可以帮忙,我的代码中缺少什么? The part one is Calculate The Palindrome Level, my answers all correct, I just could not figure it out for the part two ie Sum of The Palindrome Level, I could not meet the answer第一部分是计算回文级别,我的答案全部正确,我只是想不出第二部分即回文级别的总和,我无法满足答案

Palindrome Palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward eg "madam", "nurses run", "23499432".回文 回文是一个单词、短语或序列,其向后读与向前读相同,例如“女士”、“护士跑”、“23499432”。 When palindrome sequence is splited in half, the first sequence may be a palindrome too.当回文序列一分为二时,第一个序列也可能是一个回文序列。

Part #1第1部分

"Palindrome Level" is how many times a palindrome sequence can be splited in half until the first sequence from splited is not a palindrome or until the first sequence is just a character. “回文级别”是指一个回文序列可以被分成两半的次数,直到分裂的第一个序列不是回文或直到第一个序列只是一个字符。 Palindrome level ignores space and case insensitive (if the sequence length is odd number, then after split the sequence, take the middle character to the first sequence: "madam" -> "mad")回文层忽略空格且不区分大小写(如果序列长度为奇数,则将序列拆分后,取中间字符到第一个序列:“madam”->“mad”)

For example:例如:

-nurses run: nursesrun -> nurse (1 level) -nurses run:nursesrun -> 护士(1 级)

-451545154: 451545154 -> 45154 -> 451 (2 level) -451545154: 451545154 -> 45154 -> 451 (2 级)

-dam madam mad: dammadammad -> dammad -> dam (2 level) -dam maddam mad: dammadammad -> dammad -> dam (2 level)

Part #2第2部分

Defined string's prefixes as all prefixes of a string nun in inun : n, nu, nun, nunin, nunini, nuninin, nunininu, nunininun将字符串的前缀定义为 inun 中字符串 nun 的所有前缀:n, nu, nun, nunin, nunini, nuninin, nunininu, nunininun

"Sum of the palindrome level" of all string's prefixes is calculated by add all palindrome level of all prefixes of a string.所有字符串前缀的“回文级别总和”是通过将一个字符串的所有前缀的所有回文级别相加来计算的。

For example :例如 :

abacaba : a(0), ab(0), aba(1), abac(0), abaca(0), abacab(0), abacaba(1) =>sum of the palindrome level :2 abacaba : a(0), ab(0), aba(1), abac(0), abaca(0), abacab(0), abacaba(1) => 回文级别的总和:2

Below is my code下面是我的代码

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Calculate Palindrome level");
        foreach (var test in _CreatePalindromeLevelTestWords())
            _CheckAnswer(test.Key, test.Value, CalculatePalindromeLevel(test.Key));
        Console.WriteLine("Sum of the palindrome level");
        //Your code goes here
        foreach (var test in _CreateSumOfPalindromeLevelTestWords())
            _CheckAnswer(test.Key, test.Value, SumOfPalindromeLevel(test.Key));



public static int CalculatePalindromeLevel(string word)
    string strRemovedSpaces = StringRemoveSpace(word).ToLower();
    string nextstr = strRemovedSpaces;
    int count = 0;

    bool palResult = isPal(nextstr);

        int strLength;
        if (nextstr.Length % 2 == 0)
            strLength = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor((decimal)nextstr.Length / 2));
            strLength = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((decimal) nextstr.Length / 2));
        nextstr = nextstr.Substring(0, strLength);
        palResult = isPal(nextstr);

    return count;


public static int SumOfPalindromeLevel(string word)
    string strRemovedSpace = StringRemoveSpace(word).ToLower();
    string nextstr = "";
    int count = 0;

    for (int i = 1; i < strRemovedSpace.Length; i++)
        nextstr = strRemovedSpace.Substring(0, i);
        var palResult = isPal(nextstr);
        if (palResult == true)
    return count;

public static string StringRemoveSpace(string w)
    string str = string.Join("", w.Split(default(string[]), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
    return str;

public static bool isPal(string s)
    int length = s.Length;
    for (int i = 0; i < length / 2; i++)
        if (s[i] != s[length - i - 1])
            return false;
    return true;

public static Dictionary<string,int> _CreatePalindromeLevelTestWords()
    return new Dictionary<string, int>
        {"nurses run",1 },
        {"dam madam mad",2 },
        {"Sitis sit is s it is sitis",3 }

public static Dictionary<string, int> _CreateSumOfPalindromeLevelTestWords()
    return new Dictionary<string, int>
         {"nurses run",1 },
        {"dam madam mad",3},
        {"Sitis sit is s it is sitis",7}

public static void _CheckAnswer(string question, int expected, int answer)
    Console.WriteLine(answer.Equals(expected) ? $"{question}:{answer} (Right)" : $"{question}:{answer}(Wrong: expected {expected})");

I'm struggling with the Part #2, it didn't match with the expected result.我正在为第 2 部分苦苦挣扎,它与预期的结果不符。 Could you please help, what am I missing with?你能帮忙吗,我错过了什么? My result for the dammadammad->2 and sitissitissitissitis->4, while it should meet 3 and 7 respectively.我对 dammadammad->2 和 sitissitissitissitis->4 的结果,而它应该分别满足 3 和 7。 I don't think there's a relation among the part #1 and the part #2, but I include the part one, in case it does.我认为第 1 部分和第 2 部分之间没有关系,但我将第 1 部分包括在内,以防万一。 I can not sleep :( and want to know the answer, I'm still trying to find it.我睡不着:(想知道答案,我仍在努力寻找。

There are two issues.有两个问题。

  1. You are counting a single character as a palindrome, that is not allowed.您将单个字符视为回文,这是不允许的。
  2. You failed to take the last character in the string into account.您未能考虑字符串中的最后一个字符。

To prove this, modify your method to print out some debug information to the console, to match the example that is given: https://dotnetfiddle.net/dfOh30为了证明这一点,请修改您的方法以将一些调试信息打印到控制台,以匹配给出的示例: https : //dotnetfiddle.net/dfOh30

int SumOfPalindromeLevel(string word)
    string strRemovedSpace = StringRemoveSpace(word).ToLower();
    string nextstr = "";
    int count =0;

    Console.Write("{0} => ", word);
    for(int i=1;i<strRemovedSpace.Length;i++)
        nextstr = strRemovedSpace.Substring(0,i);
        var palResult = isPal(nextstr);
        Console.Write("{0}({1}) ", nextstr, palResult ? 1 : 0);
    Console.WriteLine("=> sum of palindrome level: {0}", count);
    return count;   

When you run this: SumOfPalindromeLevel("abacaba");当你运行这个: SumOfPalindromeLevel("abacaba"); you will get the following output:您将获得以下输出:

abacaba => a(1) ab(0) aba(1) abac(0) abaca(0) abacab(0) 
=> sum of palindrome level: 2

Even though the resulting value of 2 was expected, notice how the 'a' on its own is counted and the final character is not evaluated.即使结果值 2 是预期的,请注意 'a' 本身是如何计算的,并且不评估最终字符。 We call this boundary conditions , you've managed to fail both boundaries ;)我们称之为边界条件,您已经设法使两个边界都失败了 ;)

This is the first place to check when you sometimes get the right answer but not always, this is a very common pitfall with these types of questions.这是您有时会得到正确答案的第一个检查位置,但并非总是如此,这是此类问题的一个非常常见的陷阱。

This was the expected output:这是预期的输出:

abacaba => a(0) ab(0) aba(1) abac(0) abaca(0) abacaba(1) 
=> sum of palindrome level: 2

So there are two changes to make:所以有两个改变:

bool isPal(string s)
    int length = s.Length;
    if (length > 1)
        for (int i = 0; i < length / 2; i++)
            if (s[i] != s[length - i - 1])
                return false;
        return true;
    return false;

Then in your SumOfPalindromeLevel method you need to iterate all the characters:然后在您的SumOfPalindromeLevel方法中,您需要迭代所有字符:
Change this:改变这个:

for(int i=1; i<strRemovedSpace.Length; i++)


for(int i=1; i<=strRemovedSpace.Length; i++)

But this is still only half of the equation.但这仍然只是等式的一半。 This still doesn't satisfy the requirement for dam madam mad .这还是达不到dam madam mad的要求。

If we take the hint:如果我们接受提示:

when palindrome sequence is splitted in half, this first sequence may be a palindrome too当回文序列被分成两半时,第一个序列也可能是回文

And we include the sum of the halfs of the strings in the result then we can get the score of 3 for dammadammad :我们将字符串的一半之和包含在结果中,然后我们可以得到dammadammad的分数 3:

int SumOfPalindromeLevel(string word)
    string strRemovedSpace = StringRemoveSpace(word).ToLower();
    string nextstr = "";
    int count =0;

    Console.Write("{0} => ", word);
    for(int i=1;i<=strRemovedSpace.Length;i++)
        nextstr = strRemovedSpace.Substring(0,i);
        var palResult = isPal(nextstr);
        Console.Write("{0}({1}) ", nextstr, palResult ? 1 : 0);

    while (strRemovedSpace.Length > 1)
        strRemovedSpace = strRemovedSpace.Substring(0,(int)Math.Ceiling((double)strRemovedSpace.Length/2d));
        var palResult = isPal(strRemovedSpace);
        Console.Write("{0}({1}) ", strRemovedSpace, palResult ? 1 : 0);

    Console.WriteLine(word + " => sum of palindrome level: {0}", count);
    return count;   

Which returns score of 3 for dam madam mad :其中dam madam mad返回3分:

dammadammad => d(0) da(0) dam(0) damm(0) damma(0) dammad(1) dammada(0) dammadam(0) dammadamm(0) dammadamma(0) dammadammad(1) 
dammadammad => sum of palindrome level: 3

But it still does not return 7 for Sitis sit is s it is sitis :但它仍然没有返回 7 for Sitis sit is s it is sitis

Sitis sit is s it is sitis => s(0) si(0) sit(0) siti(0) sitis(1) sitiss(0) sitissi(0) sitissit(0) sitissiti(0) sitissitis(1) sitissitiss(0) sitissitissi(0) sitissitissit(0) sitissitissiti(0) sitissitissitis(1) sitissitissitiss(0) sitissitissitissi(0) sitissitissitissit(0) sitissitissitissiti(0) sitissitissitissitis(1) 
Sitis sit is s it is sitis => sum of palindrome level: 6

So that's me out, I'd love to study the original requirement in full, rather than through images, perhaps you can paste the actual text in?所以这就是我,我很想完整地研究原始要求,而不是通过图像,也许您可​​以将实际文本粘贴进去?

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