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wrappedArray$ofRef 无法转换为 scala.collection.immutable.Seq

[英]wrappedArray$ofRef cannot be cast to scala.collection.immutable.Seq

I'm trying to convert some Python code to Scala.我正在尝试将一些 Python 代码转换为 Scala。

Python code: Python 代码:

def col_c(o_row_ids,n_row_ids):
    if o_set=n_set
        return "in"
    elif o_set < n_set:
        return "Me"
    elif n_set < o_set:
        return "Sp"
    return "SM"

Scala code: Scala 代码:

def col_c: UserDefinedFunction = udf((o_row_ids:Seq[String], n_row_ids: Seq[String]) => {
    val o_set = o_row_ids.toSet.count(z => true) //set(o_row_ids)
    val n_set = n_row_ids.toSet.count(z=> true)
    if (o_set == n_set)
    else if( o_set < n_set)
    else if (n_set < o_set)
    else "SM"

But I'm getting the following error:但我收到以下错误:

failed to execute user defined function(col_c(array(string),array(string)=>string scala.collection.mutable.wrappedArray$ofRef cannot be cast to scala.collection.immutable.Seq无法执行用户定义的函数(col_c(array(string),array(string)=>string scala.collection.mutable.wrappedArray$ofRef 不能转换为 scala.collection.immutable.Seq

Any suggestion how to prevent this error?任何建议如何防止这个错误?

WrappedArray extends scala.collection.mutable.Seq which itself extends scala.collection.Seq . WrappedArray扩展scala.collection.mutable.Seq本身扩展scala.collection.Seq

Looks like you have imported scala.collection.immutable.Seq , thus the error.看起来您已经导入scala.collection.immutable.Seq ,因此出现了错误。

One possibility to solve your issue is to type your UDF with inputs as scala.collection.Seq .解决您的问题的一种可能性是将您的 UDF 输入为scala.collection.Seq


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