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[英]Why my neural network isn't able to classify correctly?

I made a simple neural.network to classify food into only two classes egg or meat, however every time i train the model, it gives me a constant result despite the image change, like if i train for first time it recognize every image as a meat and for the second time it recognize all the images as egg, i don't know if it's a mistake in my code.我制作了一个简单的 neural.network 将食物分类为鸡蛋或肉类两类,但是每次我训练 model 时,尽管图像发生变化,它都会给我一个恒定的结果,就像我第一次训练它识别每个图像一样肉,它第二次将所有图像识别为鸡蛋,我不知道这是否是我的代码中的错误。

Here where i read the data:我在这里读取数据:

train_ds = tf.keras.preprocessing.image_dataset_from_directory(
    class_names= None,
    image_size=(256, 256),

Here is where i predict using softmax activate function after flattening the data:这是我预测在展平数据后使用softmax activate function 的地方:

def forward(x):
    return tf.matmul(x,W) + b

def model(x):
    x = flatten(x)
    return activate(x)

def activate(x):
    return tf.nn.softmax(forward(x))

calculating the error using cross_entropy使用cross_entropy计算误差

def cross_entropy(y_label, y_pred):
    return (-tf.reduce_sum(y_label * tf.math.log(y_pred + 1.e-10)))

modifying values using descent gradient:使用下降梯度修改值:

optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.SGD(learning_rate=0.25)

def train_step(x, y ):
        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
            #compute loss function
            current_loss = cross_entropy( y, model(x))
            # compute gradient of loss 
            #(This is automatic! Even with specialized funcctions!)
            grads = tape.gradient( current_loss , [W,b] )
            # Apply SGD step to our Variables W and b
            optimizer.apply_gradients( zip( grads , [W,b] ) )     
        return current_loss.numpy()

and finally, training the model:最后,训练 model:

W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([196608, 2],tf.float32))
# Bias tensor
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([2],tf.float32))

accuracies = []
epochs = 100

for i in range(epochs):
    # each batch has 50 examples
    for x_train_batch, y_train_batch in train_ds:
        current_loss = train_step(x_train_batch/255.0, tf.one_hot(y_train_batch,2))
        if j%500 == 0: #reporting intermittent batch statistics
            print("epoch ", str(i), "batch", str(j), "loss:", str(current_loss) ) 


I have discovered that the problem is in the gradients, they are always zero except for the first time 

Just to be sure, are you actually going over the training data and using your training step, in the code you provided there is no training loop that goes over your train_ds , seems like your behavior is more down to initialization cos you don't actually train the model.可以肯定的是,您是否真的在检查训练数据并使用训练步骤,在您提供的代码中没有训练循环遍历您的train_ds ,似乎您的行为更多地取决于初始化,因为您实际上并没有训练 model。

After days of debugging, i discovered that the grads are zero, i then found out why, this was because the softmax function, as the values of x_train were very large so it gives out zeros and ones, which makes the change tends to zero, to walk around i just divided the forward(x) arguments over a large number经过几天的debug,发现grads是0,然后才知道为什么,因为softmax function,因为x_train的值很大所以给出了0和1,使得变化趋于0,为了四处走动,我只是将 forward(x) arguments 分成了一个大数

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