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[英]Neural network doesn't classify sleep EEG recordings

We have a problem with the code that I'm running in an academic course and I'd appreciate getting some help from someone on the forum.我在学术课程中运行的代码有问题,我希望能从论坛上的某个人那里得到一些帮助。 We're trying to train a CNN model to classify EEG sleep recordings as male or female.我们正在尝试训练一个 CNN 模型来将 EEG 睡眠记录分类为男性或女性。 It's something that was done in some papers but we use a different dataset in our course.这是在一些论文中完成的,但我们在课程中使用了不同的数据集。 The problem is that the network doesn't learn no matter what we do - we tried changing the number of the layers, the size of each layer, the learning rate, the number of epochs, the batch sizem the optimizer and also adding data.问题是无论我们做什么,网络都不会学习——我们尝试改变层数、每层的大小、学习率、时期数、优化器的批量大小以及添加数据。 We also tried using an RNN with a GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) instead of a CNN but it didn't help.我们还尝试使用带有 GRU(门控循环单元)而不是 CNN 的 RNN,但它没有帮助。 Here are some examples of the network not learning:以下是网络不学习的一些示例:

Example 1 Example 2示例 1示例 2

Note that the "test" dataset is actually validation.请注意,“测试”数据集实际上是验证。

We can't find any problem with the machine learning part of our code.我们找不到代码的机器学习部分有任何问题。 We think that maybe the problem is with the data processing part but we're not sure so we wanted someone to check if he/she can find a problem with the machine learning part.我们认为问题可能出在数据处理部分,但我们不确定,所以我们希望有人检查他/她是否能找到机器学习部分的问题。 Before I should say that we have 200 8-hour recordings of sleep EEG obtained from 200 patients.在我应该说之前,我们从 200 名患者那里获得了 200 条 8 小时的睡眠脑电图记录。 These are 100 Hz recording.这些是 100 Hz 录音。 The shape of each sample is 4X2X1000 (4 batches X 2 EEG channels for each recording X 1000 voltage values representing 10 seconds of recording).每个样本的形状为 4X2X1000(4 个批次 X 2 个 EEG 通道,每次记录 X 1000 个电压值,代表 10 秒的记录)。

Here's the machine learning part (I post a lot of code in case someone says that more code is needed...):这是机器学习部分(我发布了很多代码以防有人说需要更多代码......):

import _pickle
import contextlib
import io
import torch
import os
import numpy as np
from aux_eegproj_funcs_simplified import *
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader, SubsetRandomSampler
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score, ConfusionMatrixDisplay
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
import torchviz
import mne
table_name = 'sleep_1_10sec.csv' # name of the table from which we take the beginning and end time of each sample (subrecording)
eeg_ds = EEGDataset(EEGTransform, exp_table=build_experiment_tbl(table_name), filtered=0)  # EEGDataSet and EEGTransform are a class
batch_sz = 4 # batch size

# splitting the data to train, validation and test
dl_train, dl_val, dl_test = tt_split_by_pid_mf(dataset=eeg_ds, batch_size=batch_sz, train_rt=.8,  num_workers=0, verbose=1)
nF = sum(eeg_ds.table['sex (F=1)'][dl_train.sampler.indices] == 1)  # number of females
nM = sum(eeg_ds.table['sex (F=1)'][dl_train.sampler.indices] == 2)  # number of males
wF = nM / (nF + nM)  # females percentage
wM = nF / (nF + nM)  # males percentage

The model:该模型:

class eegSexNet(nn.Module):  # Define a network to classify Sex
    def __init__(self, input_shape):
        :param input_shape: input tensor shape - every batch size will be ok as it is used to compute the FCs input size.
        # Define the CNN layers in a nn.Sequential.
        # Remember to use the number of input channels as the first layer input shape.
        self.CNN = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv1d(in_channels=input_shape[1], out_channels=8, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=2),
            # TODO try changing the kernel sizes they were 3
            nn.Conv1d(in_channels=8, out_channels=16, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=2),
            nn.Conv1d(in_channels=16, out_channels=32, kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=2),

        # Compute the CNN output size here to use as the input size for the fully-connected part.
        CNN_forward = self.CNN(torch.zeros(input_shape))

        self.FCs = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(CNN_forward.shape[1] * CNN_forward.shape[2], 10),
            nn.Linear(10, 1),

    def forward(self, x):
        # ------Your code------#
        # Forward through the CNN by passing x, flatten and then forward through the linears.
        features = self.CNN(x)
        features = features.view(features.size(0), -1)  # reshape/flatten
        scores = self.FCs(features)
        # ------^^^^^^^^^------#
        return torch.squeeze(scores)

Residual block used in the class of the model:模型类中使用的残差块:

class Residual(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels):
        # Define self.direct_path by adding the layers into a nn.Sequential. Use nn.Conv1d and nn.Relu.
        # You can use padding to avoid reducing L size, to allow the skip-connection adding.
        self.direct_path = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv1d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=16, kernel_size=7, padding=3),
            nn.Conv1d(in_channels=16, out_channels=32, kernel_size=7, padding=3)
        # You should use convolution layer with a kernel size of 1 to consider the case where the input and output shapes mismatch.
        skip_layers = []
        if in_channels != 32:  # HOW DOES THIS PART WORK? When are you adding the layers
                nn.Conv1d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=32, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1,
            self.skip_path = nn.Sequential(*skip_layers)

    def forward(self, x):
        # Compute the two paths and add the results to each other, then use ReLU (torch.relu) to activate the output.
        direct_output = self.direct_path(x)
        skip_output = self.skip_path(x)
        activated_output = torch.relu(direct_output + skip_output)
        return activated_output

Training loop:训练循环:

def Train_Sex_Net(epochs=n_epochs, fn='None', optimizer=opt_sex, loss_function=bce):  # Training SEXNET
    global sex_net
    gpu_0 = torch.device(1)
    label = 0  # select the sex label
    train_loss_vec = []
    test_loss_vec = []
    train_acc_vec = []
    test_acc_vec = []
    for i_epoch in range(epochs):
        train_loss = 0
        test_loss = 0
        # Train set
        train_loss, y_true_train, y_pred_train = forward_epoch(sex_net, dl_train, loss_function, optimizer,
                                                                wM, train_loss,
                                                               to_train=True, desc='Train', device=gpu_0, label=label)
        # Test set
        test_loss, y_true_test, y_pred_test = forward_epoch(sex_net, dl_test, loss_function, optimizer, wM, test_loss,
                                                            to_train=False, desc='Test', device=gpu_0, label=label)

        # Metrics:
        train_loss = train_loss / len(dl_train)  # we want to get the mean over batches.
        test_loss = test_loss / len(dl_test)

        train_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_true_train.cpu(),
                                        (y_pred_train.cpu().detach() > 0.5) * 1)
        test_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_true_test.cpu(),
                                       (y_pred_test.cpu().detach() > 0.5) * 1)


        print(f'train_loss={round(train_loss, 3)}; train_accuracy={round(train_accuracy, 3)} \
              test_loss={round(test_loss, 3)}; test_accuracy={round(test_accuracy, 3)}')

    return (train_loss_vec, train_acc_vec), (test_loss_vec, test_acc_vec) # (val_loss_vec, val_acc_vec)

Called by the training loop:由训练循环调用:

def forward_epoch(model, dl, loss_function, optimizer, weight, total_loss=0,
                  to_train=False, desc=None, device=torch.device('cpu'), label=0): # Training loop
    # label =0 is for sex
    # label = 1 is for Age
    # total loss is over the entire epoch
    # y_trues is by patient for the entire epoch; can get last batch with [-batch_size]
    # y_preds is by patient for the entire epoch
    with tqdm(total=len(dl), desc=desc, ncols=100) as pbar:
        model = model.double().to(device)  # solving runtime memory issue

        y_trues = torch.empty(0).type(torch.int).to(device)
        y_preds = torch.empty(0).type(torch.int).to(device)
        for i_batch, (X, y) in enumerate(dl):
            X = X.to(device)
            X = X.type(torch.double)
            y = y[label].to(device)  # added index because of get label returning sex, age
            y_pred = model(X)  # Forward
            y_true = y.type(torch.double)  # Loss:
            y_true_copy = torch.clone(y_true)
            loss = loss_function(y_pred, y_true)  # loss of one batch
            total_loss += loss.item()

            y_trues = torch.cat((y_trues, y_true))
            y_preds = torch.cat((y_preds, y_pred))
            if to_train:
                optimizer.zero_grad()  #  Backward:zero the gradients to not accumulate their changes.
                loss.backward()  # get gradients
                optimizer.step()  # Optimization step: use gradients
            pbar.update(1)  # Progress bar

    return total_loss, y_trues, y_preds

Calling all the functions:调用所有函数:

sex_net = eegSexNet(torch.Size([4, 2, 1000]))  # Instantiate the network

learning_rate = 0.0001
opt_sex = torch.optim.Adam(params=sex_net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)  # Optimizer for eegnet
bce = nn.BCELoss()
n_epochs = 6
f0 = 'sex_k7'  # file format '.pickle' added automatically
train_res, test_res = Train_Sex_Net(epochs=n_epochs, fn=f0)

Does anyone see anything that might be wrong in the code?有人在代码中看到任何可能有问题的地方吗? Or maybe the problem is in the data processing and choosing part that I didn't show?或者问题可能出在数据处理和选择我没有显示的部分?

I went through the coding.我经历了编码。 In the class you've created as a model using CNN, adding a softmax layer MAY help you instead of the sigmoid function在您使用 CNN 作为模型创建的课程中,添加 softmax 层可能会帮助您而不是 sigmoid 函数

    logits, axis=None, name=None

The primary purpose of the softmax function is to transform the (unnormalized) output of K units (which is eg represented as a vector of K elements) of a fully-connected layer to a probability distribution (a normalized output). softmax 函数的主要目的是将全连接层的 K 个单元(例如表示为 K 个元素的向量)的(未归一化)输出转换为概率分布(归一化输出)。

Also, you have asked working of a part of the coding in the residual class:此外,您还要求处理残差类中的部分编码:

if in_channels != 32:  # HOW DOES THIS PART WORK? When are you adding the layers
                nn.Conv1d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=32, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1,

if the In_channel is not equal to 32, then the channel is said to be skipped and convoluted because, in the model you've created, you've tried to find the residual only for the in_channel of 32 size如果 In_channel 不等于 32,则表示该通道被跳过和卷积,因为在您创建的模型中,您尝试仅找到 32 大小的 in_channel 的残差


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