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为什么转换 Foo** → const Foo** 在 C++ 中是一个错误,而在 C 中只是一个警告?

[英]Why converting Foo** → const Foo** is an error in C++, but only a warning in C?

char const c = 'x';       /* 1 */
char *p1;                 /* 2 */
char const **p2 = &p1;    /* 3 */
*p2 = &c;                 /* 4 */
*p1 = 'X';                /* 5 */

Line 3 is disallowed in C and is invalid in C++.第 3行在C 中是不允许的,在 C++ 中无效 However, one gets an error in C++, but only a warning in C. The question is - why only a warning?然而,一个人在 C++ 中得到一个错误,但在 C 中只有一个警告。问题是 - 为什么只有一个警告?

Both C & C++ deal with statement 3 as that "Assigning const char** with char** discards the const qualifier" The difference is; C 和 C++ 都将语句 3 处理为“使用char**分配const char** char**会丢弃const限定符”,区别在于; C++ is more strict than C and doesn't allow const qualifier discarding. C++ 比 C 更严格,并且不允许丢弃const限定符。 This is really convenient in C++ and does lead to no issues contrary to C.这在 C++ 中非常方便,并且不会导致与 C 相反的问题。

Imagine the following code:想象一下以下代码:

    char const c = 'x';
    char *p1 = &c;
    *p1 = 'A';

    printf("c address: 0x%X, p1 is pointing to: 0x%X\n", &c, p1);
    printf("%c\n", c);
    printf("%c\n", *p1);

This is a compilable C code.这是一个可编译的 C 代码。 One would think that assigning a new value to *p1 should not be possible as it points to a const variable.有人会认为为*p1分配一个新值应该是不可能的,因为它指向一个const变量。 Also one would think that if it did happen and we could change the value of what p is pointing at this will also change the value of c But this is not the case!!还有人会认为,如果它确实发生了,我们可以改变 p 指向的值,这也会改变c的值,但事实并非如此!!

The above code surprisingly generates:上面的代码出人意料地生成:

c address: 0xEF3E146B, p1 is pointing to: 0xEF3E146B

So allowing this const qualifier to be discarded does lead to undefined behavior (which means it's up to the compiler to decide what to do).因此,允许丢弃这个 const 限定符确实会导致未定义的行为(这意味着由编译器决定要做什么)。 This is fixed in C++ to avoid such ambiguities.这在 C++ 中是固定的,以避免这种歧义。

C has much more relaxed pointer rules than C++. C 的指针规则比 C++ 宽松得多。 C++ enforces a lot more type safety than C. Some of this is up to compilers to decide only to warn in C. C++ 比 C 强制执行更多的类型安全。其中一些取决于编译器决定只在 C 中发出警告。

One example to look at is malloc, where char* str = malloc(50);要查看的一个示例是 malloc,其中char* str = malloc(50); is perfectly fine C but must be char* str = (char*) malloc(50);非常好 C 但必须是char* str = (char*) malloc(50); in C++.在 C++ 中。

The short answer is: because they are different languages and have different rules.简短的回答是:因为它们是不同的语言并且有不同的规则。 There is no C/C++ language.没有 C/C++ 语言。

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