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R - 将 Data.frame 元素转换为单列 tibble()

[英]R - Transform Data.frame elements into a single column tibble()

I am looking for a way to improve my code and move away from loops in R.我正在寻找一种方法来改进我的代码并摆脱 R 中的循环。


I have a list of Data.frames.我有一个 Data.frames 列表。 Each Data.frame has 4 elements - many of them are NULL.每个 Data.frame 有 4 个元素 - 其中许多是 NULL。 I need to preserve the NULLs and replace them with an NA as I enlist / flatten the the list to then add it as a column to a 'tibble'.我需要保留 NULL 并用 NA 替换它们,因为我征募/展平列表,然后将其作为列添加到“tibble”。 I know if I access the elements using map(list, n) it will give me the start point for the loop.我知道如果我使用map(list, n)访问元素map(list, n)它将为我提供循环的起点。 If I flatten() this it removes the NULL objects and I won't be able to add it to another tibble I am using as the order isn't preserved.如果我flatten()这会删除 NULL 对象,我将无法将它添加到我正在使用的另一个 tibble 中,因为订单没有保留。

Input structure is below:输入结构如下:

  item1 item2 item3 item4
1  aaaa  bbbb  cccc  dddd

data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows

data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows

  item1 item2 item3 item4
1  ffff  gggg  hhhh  kkkk

Solution so far:到目前为止的解决方案:

I have written the following loop:我写了以下循环:

element_tibble = tibble()

for (i in 1:length(list_of_dfs)){
    element = list_of_dfs[[i]]
    if (is.null(element) == TRUE) {
        element = NA
    else {
        element = element
    row = c(element = element)
    element_tibble = rbind(element_tibble, row)

The intended output is a one column tibble that is the length of the list with NA preserved for NULL elements in the original list.预期的输出是一列小标题,它是列表的长度,为原始列表中的 NULL 元素保留NA

# A tibble: n x 1
1 item2  
2 NA       
3 NA     
4 item2 

I know the loop is slow but I can't find another way to access the element in the Data.frame then transform it into a usable(flat) column for addition to a tibble as another element for each observation.我知道循环很慢,但我找不到另一种方法来访问 Data.frame 中的元素,然后将其转换为一个可用的(平面)列,以作为每个观察的另一个元素添加到 tibble 中。

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.任何建议将不胜感激。



Base R option using sapply -使用sapply基础 R 选项 -

df <- data.frame(item1 = 'aaaa', item2 = 'bbbb', item3 = 'ccc', item4 = 'ddd')
list_of_dfs <- list(df, data.frame(), df)

result <- data.frame(element = sapply(list_of_dfs, function(x) 
                               if(nrow(x)) x[[2]] else NA))

#  element
#1    bbbb
#2    <NA>
#3    bbbb

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