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如何发送 Unity HoloLens 2 项目以供远程同事立即测试(无需 Microsoft Store 认证)

[英]How to send a Unity HoloLens 2 project for imediate testing by a remote colleague (without certification from Microsoft Store)

I am developing for HoloLens 2 and I don't have the device (I am using the Emulator to test).我正在为 HoloLens 2 进行开发,但我没有该设备(我正在使用模拟器进行测试)。 I want to build the project with Unity and send the built package to a coleague that is not a developer - meaning, he is not good with Visual Studio - and who wants to test the app.我想用 Unity 构建项目,并将构建的包发送给一位不是开发人员的同事 - 这意味着他不擅长 Visual Studio - 并且想要测试应用程序。

I tried using Microsoft Store and this worked for the inicial POC, but after the second submission I thought that it was going to be faster, but always take up to 3 business days, what is not acceptable as a good workflow.我尝试使用 Microsoft Store,这对初始 POC 有效,但在第二次提交后,我认为它会更快,但总是需要最多 3 个工作日,这是不可接受的良好工作流程。

I know that, in ideal conditions, I should have the HoloLens, but this is not possible for now.我知道,在理想条件下,我应该拥有 HoloLens,但目前无法实现。

Do you have any idea on how to send packages to a non-developer person so that he can test the app on another country and so that it doesn't require a certification process like Microsoft Store?您是否知道如何将软件包发送给非开发人员,以便他可以在另一个国家/地区测试该应用程序,并且不需要像 Microsoft Store 这样的认证过程?

I had a similiar Issue for a while.我有一段时间有一个类似的问题。 The question I had was: How can I easily provide the build project and install it on the Hololens 2.我的问题是:如何轻松提供构建项目并将其安装在 Hololens 2 上。

I don't know any other way than:除了:

  • Send the built with an explenation in a short PDF or other text file以简短的 PDF 或其他文本文件的形式发送带有说明的构建
  • Create a virtual network, integrate the Hololens 2 into it and you can provide the Application over remote创建一个虚拟网络,将 Hololens 2 集成到其中,您可以通过远程提供应用程序

I think there is currently no other option to do so.我认为目前没有其他选择可以这样做。

You can take a look at the Sideloading feature provided by HoloLens Device Portal.您可以查看 HoloLens 设备门户提供的旁加载功能。 Please follow this guide to connect the HoloLens over Wi-Fi or USB and manage your device from a web browser on your PC: Installing an app .请按照本指南通过 Wi-Fi 或 USB 连接 HoloLens 并从 PC 上的 Web 浏览器管理您的设备: 安装应用程序 In this way, you can directly send the app package to your colleague, and he can install it without using VS.这样你就可以直接把app包发给你的同事,他不用VS就可以安装了。

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