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我想在 hadoop 中创建(或至少采用)一个新的“定制”调度程序。 我在网上看到一堆调度算法,如下所述

[英]I want to create(or atleast adopt) a new "customised" scheduler in hadoop. I saw a bunch of Scheduling Algorithms online that are stated as below

I want to create(or atleast adopt) a new "customised" scheduler in hadoop.我想在 hadoop 中创建(或至少采用)一个新的“定制”调度程序。 I saw a bunch of Scheduling Algorithms online that are stated as below.我在网上看到了一堆调度算法,如下所述。 Hadoop Scheduling Algorithms Hadoop 调度算法

I know we can extend classes from resourcemanager/scheduler/ class in yarn-server and write-up our own scheduling algorithms.我知道我们可以在 yarn-server 中从 resourcemanager/scheduler/ class 扩展类并编写我们自己的调度算法。 But can someone give me an example of one customized algorithm they wrote, or atleast give me a path where I could find them(jar files).但是有人可以给我一个他们编写的自定义算法的示例,或者至少给我一个可以找到它们的路径(jar 文件)。

Why not look at the code for fairscheduler ?为什么不看一下fairscheduler 的代码呢? And compare it with Capacity Scheduler ?并将其与容量调度程序进行比较? These are great examples of how to create your own custom algorithm.这些是如何创建自己的自定义算法的很好的例子。

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