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Aurelia 使用模板字符串动态绑定变量

[英]Aurelia dynamically bound variable with template string

I am trying to set the dynamic id of a component within a component.我正在尝试在组件中设置组件的动态id

So the child component has a bindable uniqueId property.所以子组件有一个可绑定的uniqueId属性。 The parent component has its own uniqueId which I am trying to keep into the child component's uniqueId , as such sort of following BEM convention:父组件有自己的uniqueId ,我试图将其保留在子组件的uniqueId中,就像遵循 BEM 约定一样:

<text-input-editor repeat.for="boxSide of boxSides"

But this gives me the following error: unconsumed token { (abridged).但这给了我以下错误:未使用的unconsumed token { (删节)。

I tried with using the <let></let> element as in https://aurelia.io/docs/templating/custom-elements#declarative-computed-values but that didn't work either.我尝试在https://aurelia.io/docs/templating/custom-elements#declarative-computed-values中使用<let></let>元素,但这也不起作用。

I am not sure how to do this in the view, as I would rather not handle this at the controller's level (this is just one of many components in that view).我不确定如何在视图中执行此操作,因为我宁愿不在控制器级别处理此问题(这只是该视图中的许多组件之一)。

Assuming uniqueId has a value in your viewmodel, as the expression already has a ".bind" format, this would be:假设 uniqueId 在您的视图模型中有一个值,因为表达式已经具有“.bind”格式,这将是:

<text-input-editor repeat.for="boxSide of boxSides"
   uniqueId.bind="'box-editor-' + uniqueId + '__' + boxSide + '-input'"></text-input-editor>

Otherwise, it could be:否则,它可能是:

<text-input-editor repeat.for="boxSide of boxSides"

A working version can be reviewed at:可以在以下位置查看工作版本:

CodeSandbox 代码沙盒

So I didn't try specifically Cristián Ormazábal's answer but I fixed my problem by changing uniqueId to unique-id :所以我没有特别尝试 Cristián Ormazábal 的回答,但我通过将uniqueId更改为unique-id来解决我的问题:

<text-input-editor repeat.for="boxSide of boxSides"

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