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[英]three.js video texture color issue

I noticed that the colors of my video texture are slightly differents compare to my initial video.我注意到我的视频纹理的 colors 与我的初始视频相比略有不同。

I try to set different three.js encodings but I always notice a small difference.我尝试设置不同的 three.js 编码,但我总是注意到一个小的差异。

Does anyone knows how to prevent this behavior?有谁知道如何防止这种行为? Thanks谢谢

Check your renderer toneMappingExposure and toneMapping properties, there are many of them and can change a lot the ambiance and look of your experience: this example is very handy to experiment with them before implementing them into your project: webgl_tonemapping , you can try with this and tweak the values until you get what you want:检查你的渲染器toneMappingExposuretoneMapping属性,它们有很多,可以改变你体验的氛围和外观:这个例子非常方便在将它们实施到你的项目之前进行试验: webgl_tonemapping ,你可以试试这个和调整值直到你得到你想要的:

renderer.physicallyCorrectLights = true
renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding
renderer.toneMapping = THREE.ACESFilmicToneMapping
renderer.toneMappingExposure = 1.3
//Just an configuration example

It may be also a environment map issue or maybe the problem itself is the tonemapping so, if after trying what I showed before doesn't work, you might find your answer in this post from someone having a similar issue: three-js-texture-tone-issue .它也可能是环境 map 问题,或者问题本身就是色调映射所以,如果在尝试我之前展示的内容后不起作用,您可能会在这篇文章中从遇到类似问题的人那里找到答案: three-js-texture音调问题

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