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计数 Azure 中的字符翻译并具有混合定价层

[英]Counting characters in Azure Translate and having hybrid pricing tier

Regarding the Azure Translator service,关于 Azure 翻译服务,

  1. The Frequently Asked Questions page says: 常见问题页面说:

For scripts based on graphic symbols, such as written Chinese and Japanese Kanji, the Translator service counts the number of Unicode code points.对于基于图形符号的脚本,例如书面中文和日文汉字,翻译服务会计算 Unicode 代码点的数量。 One character per symbol.每个符号一个字符。 Exception: Unicode surrogate pairs count as two characters.例外:Unicode 代理对计为两个字符。

Am I correct to say that "驚くばかり" would count as 5 characters , even though it's 15 bytes, but the emoji "" would count as 7 characters , because of the surrogate pairs?我是否正确地说“惊くばかり”将计为5 个字符,即使它是 15 个字节,但表情符号“”将计为7 个字符,因为代理对?

  1. It appears that I can either choose to have "2M free chars" or "pay as I go", but not both: "first 2M chars free, then pay as I go".看来我可以选择“2M 免费字符”或“按需付费”,但不能同时选择两者:“先免费 2M 字符,然后按需付费”。
    However, is it OK/allowed to create two Translate resources, where one would be on the "Free tier", and the other "Pay as you go", and have the application point to the second one when I exceed the 2M free quota?但是,是否可以/允许创建两个翻译资源,其中一个位于“免费层”,另一个位于“按需付费”,当我超过 2M 的免费配额时让应用程序指向第二个?


Not sure about emoji because each emoji can be counted as different character counts.不确定表情符号,因为每个表情符号都可以算作不同的字符数。 But yes, each foreign character will be counted single.但是,是的,每个外来字符都将被计算为单个。

And when it comes to pricing, there isn't any option for hybrid pricing.在定价方面,没有任何混合定价的选择。 Therefore, you either choose a free F0 or Pay as you go S1 pricing tier based on your requirement.因此,您可以根据您的要求选择免费 F0 或按您的方式付费 go S1 定价层。

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