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Groupby 列并为 pyspark 中的另一列值创建列表

[英]Groupby column and create lists for another column values in pyspark

I have a data frame as below:我有一个数据框如下:

dummy = pd.DataFrame([[1047,2021,0.38],[1056,2021,0.19]],columns=['reco','user','score'])

reco    user    score
0   1047    2021    0.38
1   1056    2021    0.19

I want the output to look like this:我希望 output 看起来像这样:

user    score   reco
2021    [0.38, 0.19]    [1047, 1056]

I want to group by user, and then the lists should be created by score in descending order and the reco should be corresponding to its score values.我想按用户分组,然后应按分数按降序创建列表,并且记录应与其分数值相对应。

I tried collect_list but the order changes.我尝试了 collect_list 但顺序发生了变化。 I want to keep the same order.我想保持相同的顺序。

You can preserve ordering by applying collect_list over the window function.您可以通过在 window function 上应用collect_list来保留排序。 In this case the window is partitioned by user and ordered by score descending .在这种情况下, window 由user分区并按score descending排序。

import pandas as pd
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql import Window as W

dummy = pd.DataFrame([[1047,2021,0.38],[1056,2021,0.19]],columns=['reco','user','score'])

df = spark.createDataFrame(dummy)

window_spec = W.partitionBy("user").orderBy(F.desc("score"))
ranged_spec = window_spec.rowsBetween(W.unboundedPreceding, W.unboundedFollowing)

df.withColumn("reco", F.collect_list("reco").over(window_spec))\
  .withColumn("score", F.collect_list("score").over(window_spec))\
  .withColumn("rn", F.row_number().over(window_spec))\
  .where("rn == 1")\

Output Output

|        reco|user|       score|
|[1047, 1056]|2021|[0.38, 0.19]|

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